Montgomery County to kick off Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office is participating in a national campaign aimed at educating people about the consequences and dangers of drunk driving.

The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over awareness campaign will run from Aug. 18 to Sept. 4.

Last year in Montgomery County, there were a total of 586 OVI-related crashes with a total of 44 fatalities, according to a statement from the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

The Montgomery County OVI Task Force will be participating in this campaign to help reduce the number of OVI-related traffic crashes.

There will be several checkpoints in different areas of Montgomery County and saturation patrol focused on impaired drivers to help prevent these tragic avoidable crashes.

“Our hopes are to have an impact on the number of crashes we’re experiencing on county roadways, the number of fatalities associated with impairment and injuries and even property damage at the end of it,” Capt. Andy Flagg said.

Saturation patrols by the OVI Task Force, OVI checkpoints and other aspects will be part of the campaign to help reduce the number of impaired drivers, Flagg said.

According to national statistics throughout the U.S. in 2021 there were 13,384 deaths associated with impaired driving that occurred with approximately a third of all fatalities, he said. One person is killed every 39 minutes in an impaired driving crash, he added.

Summer tends to be the deadliest, with increased traffic, events that go late into the night and 2.8 times more crashes likely to happen during the night than the day, Flagg said.

This year there have been 287 OVI-related crashes with a total of 22 fatalities through July 31. Fatalities are already at 50% with five more months to go, the statement said.

Alcohol, drugs and over-the-counter prescriptions play a role in impaired driving and the goal of this campaign is to educate about the dangers along with the consequences of citations, arrests, fines, driver’s license suspension and other issues that may occur as a result of impaired driving, according to Flagg.

The Montgomery County OVI Task Force is a combined effort with 15 police departments across the county and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office.

All departments will schedule their officers at different dates and times to participate to help reduce the number of impaired drivers on the roadways.

“If you can commit to a hundred percent sober driving, that’s the best option,” Flag said.

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