Overdose alert: Montgomery County reports double expected number of ODs

Community Overdose Action Team issues overdose surge alert.

An increased number of overdoses occurred over the New Year holiday in Montgomery County, prompting the Community Overdose Action Team to notify subscribers through its OD Surge Alert System.

Officials reported 11 overdoses from area hospitals between Dec. 31 at 6 p.m. and Jan. 1 at 6 p.m., the same period during which there was a predicted number of 5.5 overdoses, according to Public Health - Dayton and Montgomery County.

While Public Health emphasized there is no safe way to use illegal drugs, they said it is important that those using drugs, their friends and family, and the public are aware of steps they can take to help reduce the risk of death.

Safety recommendations for people who use drugs include:

1. Have Narcan available, and someone who can administer it, in case of an overdose. Call 937-734-9468 to get a kit today.

2. Do not use drugs that contain or may contain fentanyl.

3. Do not use drugs alone.

4. Do not share needles.

5. In the event of an overdose, call 911 immediately.

6. Call Crisis Now, 24/7 at 833-580-CALL for crisis intervention services.

The OD Surge Alert System provides information when conditions are occurring that make using drugs even more risky than usual. In addition to individuals who may be using drugs, Public Health encourages their family, friends, loved ones, community support systems, and treatment providers to also register to receive these life-saving alerts.

To register, you do not need to live in Montgomery County, but the alerts will only be for events that take place in Montgomery County. When an overdose spike occurs, individuals who signed up for alerts will receive a text message with the alert and a link to a page on the www.mccoat.org website with information about actions they can take and resources available in the community. Alerts may occur after hours including evenings and weekends. Because of the nature of the surveillance systems, alerts will be county-wide; all individuals who sign up for alerts will receive text alerts anytime there has been deemed to be a concerning increase in overdoses in Montgomery County.

To register for the alerts, text your five-digit zip code to 937-582-8667 or visit mccoat.org for more information.

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