Beavercreek voters in May approved a 1.8-mill property tax levy that will allow the city to hire five new police officers. City officials said the size of the police department has not kept pace with the growth of the city.
The employer for government agencies is the voting and taxpaying public. As with any other employer, the public has not just a right but a responsibility to know how much its employees are paid in the interest of good stewardship.
Go here for a searchable database of state and local government pay across our region.
The highest paid Beavercreek city employees last year were:
1. Dwight “Pete” Landrum, city manager: $154,961
2. Scott Spangler, police sergeant: $152,251
3. Justin Tolley, police officer: $151,074
4. David Darkow, police sergeant: $144,926
5. William Kucera, financial administrative services director: $137,496
6. Brad Piasecki, police sergeant: $137,093
7. Daniel Krall, police sergeant: $135,715
8. Jeffrey M. Fiorita, chief of police: $134,805
9. Michael Thonnerieux, public administrative services director: $133,528
10. Kristopher Brownlee, community engagement officer: $123,077
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