Sinclair Community College hosting annual career fair

Sinclair Community College levy

Sinclair Community College levy

More than 60 employers from Dayton-area industries will be in attendance at Sinclair Community College’s annual career fair, according to a press release.

The 21st Annual Career Fair will be held from 12 to 3 p.m on April 6 at the Great Hall of Sinclair’s Conference Center, 444 West Third Street. Career fields represented will include government, hospitality, finance, computer science and many others.

“This annual event aligns with our mission to find the need and endeavor to meet it by linking our students and job seekers with meaningful career opportunities,” Matt Massie, manager for Sinclair Community College Student and Community Engagement, said. “Sinclair students have received the exceptional education and training employers are looking for to grow their workforce.”

The fair is open to students and the public. Free parking is available at Lot C under Building 12.

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