Solving the TV challenge

Daryn Kagan, columnist

Daryn Kagan, columnist

To think the answer for our marital challenge lay in the confines of this column.

I shouldn’t be surprised.

This is where I’ve found so much of my joy and wisdom over the last dozen or so years.

Right here, with you, Dear Reader.

This week’s story begins and ends on television.

The one Husband and I haven’t had for almost two years.

It’s the last thing we purchased after making the move to this remote coastal tidal marsh.

“But what do you do there?” our city friends have wondered.

“Listen to the quiet,” is often our answer that makes perfect sense to few people except us.

Because of that there has been no need for a TV.

I guess we finally took the plunge and bought one because of college football or the consideration that future guests might want to watch it.

Which is how Husband and I found ourselves on the couch last night with this huge challenge.

What to watch?

While we might be well matched in ways of the marsh, we sat there reminded of the challenge we left behind in our former big city life: We really don’t like to watch any of the same shows.

“Let’s watch a movie!” Husband declared last night.

I was frozen over what to pick.

“Let me show you the trailer,” clicking on the fun new Julia Roberts-George Clooney rom-com.

“That was great!” Husband declared. “It’s like we saw the whole movie without actually having to watch the whole movie. Let’s watch another.”

This is how we came to watch two minutes of a murder mystery, a conspiracy theory laden documentary, and a reality show where two brothers search for a hidden treasure in Iceland. Or was it Antarctica?

The point is, our marriage challenge was solved. We both had a perfectly nice time. No one was bored.

It reminds me of this column. Each week, this beloved newspaper allows me 500 words to have my say.

While I share a lot, at 500 words there is no way I can share every detail of any given story.

And yet, here we are, a dozen years into our relationship, Dear Reader, and we sure have seen a lot together. Some of my stories you like, some weeks I miss. You are never shy to let me know when I hit either mark.

The beauty of 500 words? Either way, it’s all over relatively quickly.

This isn’t a column. It’s just a written-out movie trailer.

I don’t know if it’s working for you, but Dear Reader, this is my annual chance to say, it sure is working for me.

How I appreciate you so.

Thank you for your time, your interest, your input, your friendship.

Wherever you find yourself spending this holiday, may it not last too long, generate a few good stories, and give space to express gratitude.

And if all else fails, maybe you can just find something good to watch on TV.

Just know I am so very thankful for you.

Daryn Kagan is the author of the book “Hope Possible: A Network News Anchor’s Thoughts On Losing Her Job, Finding Love, A New Career, And My Dog, Always My Dog.” Email her at

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