UD names three new trustees, including two alumni

The University of Dayton held their 2022 fall commencement on Dec. 17, 2022. Photo Credit: Photographer is Shravanth Reddy Reddy

The University of Dayton held their 2022 fall commencement on Dec. 17, 2022. Photo Credit: Photographer is Shravanth Reddy Reddy

The University of Dayton has named three new board trustees who will serve three-year-terms.

Susan G. Griffith, Brother Jesse O’Neill, S.M., and Lawrence Woerner joined the board July 1.

Griffith earned a bachelor’s degree in finance in 1980 and an MBA in 1986 from the University of Dayton. She was chief financial officer for a multi-billion-dollar division of Bank One, which later merged with JPMorgan Chase. In addition, she held the position of integration director supporting bank acquisitions and corporate-wide initiatives at both JPMorgan Chase and Bank One.

Woerner earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from UD in 1976, and was a pitcher on the UD baseball team. He spent more than 30 years as an actuary, first working as a consulting actuary for an international consulting firm in the U.S. and Brazil, and in 1982, co-founding a consulting firm in São Paulo. Mercer, the world’s largest human resources consulting firm, acquired Woerner’s company in 1993 after it had grown to become the largest actuarial, benefits and compensation consulting firm in Brazil. Woerner became Mercer’s global head of regions with responsibility for business development and client management in 30 global markets before retiring from the organization in 2011. This is his second term on the board of trustees, and his last term ran from 2011 to 2020.

O’Neill entered the Marianist novitiate in 1990, and professed final vows in 1996. After that, he assumed responsibility as the vocation director of the Marianists’ New York province. From 2000-18, he returned to Catholic schools in Philadelphia and Baltimore for teaching and leadership roles, including classroom teacher, director of afterschool programs and director of campus ministry. He currently serves as assistant for education for the Marianist Province of the United States.

O’Neill serves on the boards of two other Marianist institutions — Chaminade University in Hawaii and St. Mary’s University in Texas — and has chaired UD’s Marianist Foundation that supports community-engaged projects at UD.

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