This contract provides for commercial administrative services for day-to-day administrative and data entry requirements to support the Phillips Research Site, AFRL space vehicles missions, AFRL directed energy and geographically separated units or locations with an AFRL presence, the Department of Defense said in a contract announcement this week.
An AFRL spokesman said the contract is a process or platform to provide commercial administrative services.
The Phillips Research Site at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico includes AFRL’s Space Vehicles and Directed Energy Directorates. Those two directorates have a workforce of more than 2,200, AFRL said in a July 2022 news release.
Work will primarily be performed at Kirtland and is expected to be completed Nov. 30, 2027.
The DOD received nine offers for the work.
AFRL is based at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
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