Take steps to secure your home network

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As the threat of cyberattacks grows, it’s more critical than ever to secure your network.

Securing your home network will protect you from facing very serious cyber threats. Cybercriminals who gain access to your network can launch a variety of assaults against your devices that result in data theft or total loss. Defending your home network against these threats is quite simple.

By controlling network traffic, a firewall can help safeguard your computer and data. It accomplishes this by filtering out unsolicited and undesirable network traffic.

Passwords are the first line of defense for your computer and personal information against unwanted access. Your computer and accounts will be safer from hackers and bad malware if you use strong passwords.

Antivirus software monitors all files that enter your computer. They are scanned to look for any anomalies or maliciousness. Viruses can simply be transmitted to your network through infected files, which could cause damage to your computer.

Experiencing a cyberattack can make you feel like you’re being assaulted in your own home. Hackers are opportunistic, waiting to exploit any security flaw to launch a targeted assault. Most homes today have networks of internet-connected devices, such as computers, gaming systems, smart TVs and smartphones.

To strengthen your home network’s security and protect those devices from a breach, you don’t need to be a technical expert. You can start by using the tools listed above.

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