Despite pleas, Lebanon student held for polygraph in school threat case

A Lebanon High School student accused of making a threat against his school in the days after the deadly mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, will remain in the Warren County Detention Center, at least until he completes a polygraph test.

EARLIER: Bomb threats plaguing Warren County schools again

Judge Joe Kirby ordered the 17-year-old boy who has already served 11 days in detention to stay in detention, despite appeals for his release in a courtroom gallery filled with family, friends and supporters.

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It was the second time on Wednesday during hearings in Warren County Juvenile Court that Kirby made this ruling in hopes of gauging whether the boys were joking or could carry out threats. The other case involved a 14-year-old from the Little Miami Schools.

RELATED: 14-year-old held for polygraph, mental exam

“Until I have that, I cannot take the chance and release him,” Kirby said in declining to free the Lebanon boy.

RELATED: Lebanon High School student accused of threatening another student with social media

In the Lebanon case, the student is charged with inducing panic by texting, “THAT’S IT IM GONNA SHOOT UP A SCHOOL I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE” to friends on Feb. 15.

His lawyer, Ed Perry, said the school board had voted not to expel the boy, making it possible for him to return to school on Monday.

But Kirby said this anticipated the boy attending the alternative school, rather than regular classes, at the high school.

MORE: Ross High student held over alleged social media threat.

In both cases Wednesday, no hearing was scheduled to reconsider detention until the polygraphs and — in the Little Miami case — a mental exam is completed.

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