The law creating Ohio’s medical marijuana control program lists 21 conditions qualifying someone to obtain medical marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation. They are:
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Alzheimer's disease
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
Crohn's disease
Epilepsy or another seizure disorder
Hepatitis C
Inflammatory bowel disease
Multiple sclerosis
Pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable
Parkinson's disease
Positive status for HIV
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Sickle cell anemia
Spinal cord disease or injury
Tourette's syndrome
Traumatic brain injury
Ulcerative colitis
» RELATED: Where will you be able to buy medical marijuana in Ohio?
» Citizen asks Dayton for 'sanctuary' for medical marijuana patients
Medical marijuana help line
The Ohio Board of Pharmacy has a toll-free help line at 1-833-464-6627 for questions from patients, caregivers and health professionals about adverse reactions to medical marijuana and other related issues.
» Medical marijuana troubles Ohio doctors: 'Although it's natural, (it's) not like a vitamin'
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