Anonymous donor gives $1.2M to Wilberforce University for matching donations



An anonymous donor provided $1.2 million to Wilberforce University to launch a matching gift initiative for the #WilberforceUnite campaign.

The donor’s goal is to reinvigorate the university’s fundraising efforts, according to a release from the university.

“This gift is tangible recognition that the Wilberforce University renaissance is real. As a university community, we are absolutely committed to the hard work required for institutional transformation. Our work has begun in earnest, and this gift serves as an urgent reminder that we must remain vigilant and focused on excellence and high performance," said President Elfred Anthony Pinkard.

Wilberforce University is the nation's oldest private historically black university.

“This gift is the evidence of the continued progress Wilberforce is making; our renaissance is real,” university board Chairman Mark Wilson said.

Donors are encouraged to check with their employers to see if they offer matching donations to nonprofit organizations, expanding the power of this donor match.

Funds will help meet the university's need for flexible and unrestricted income to support student aid, facility enhancements, faculty and staff development, and academic programs. The theme of the campaign is: "When 'Me' becomes 'We,' a little becomes a lot." #WilberforceUnite. Gifts can be made by visiting:

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