‘Art of Aging’ class to inform about healthcare, hospice, VA benefits

The Art of Aging is a class presented by the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Chapel Community during August. Classes will be held every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Prairies Chapel Religious Education facility, 682 Chapel Lane. It is free and open to all who are interested. Refreshments will be provided. (Contributed graphic)

The Art of Aging is a class presented by the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Chapel Community during August. Classes will be held every Monday at 6:30 p.m. at the Prairies Chapel Religious Education facility, 682 Chapel Lane. It is free and open to all who are interested. Refreshments will be provided. (Contributed graphic)

Physical decline, forgetfulness, poor diet and hygiene, depression and loss of interest in former hobbies can be signs of aging. These changes can lead to concerns for the future, such as nursing homes, Veterans Affairs benefits or end-of-life preparation.

The Wright-Patterson Chapel Community is hosting a program to address these questions, among others, that individuals might have out of concern for an aging parent, a friend or themselves. The Art of Aging will be a series of classes held every Monday at 6:30 p.m. during August.

The Art of Aging series will take place in the Prairies Chapel Religious Education facility, 682 Chapel Lane. It is free and open to all who are interested. No registration is required.

“This is not just for elderly people. We really do want to focus on everybody, even the younger people and active-duty members because these are issues that they’ll have to deal with for their parents and themselves when they get older,” said Cheri Champagne, Catholic parish coordinator.

During the first meeting on Aug. 5, Dayton Right to Life will speak about healthcare, power of attorney, hospice care and medical emergencies. The following Monday, Aug. 12, will be presented by the Alzheimer’s Association. Hospice of Dayton will discuss their services for military families Aug. 19. The last Monday of the month, Aug. 26, the Dayton VA Medical Center will offer information about benefits, burial and the new VA Mission Act.

According to Champagne, many people – including herself – are not typically aware of the resources available to them through these services.

“During the last two weeks of my mom’s life, we called hospice. At the time, I figured that’s when you called hospice in. But you can call them many months before because they have resources for you way before you even need more intensive care,” said Champagne.

After each session, the visiting groups will offer a time of Q&As. Refreshments will also be provided.

“My hope is that people will walk away with everything that they need to be comfortable when they get close to end-of-life decisions that they need to make,” said Champagne. “It’s something we all have to face, but the more knowledge you have, the easier it is knowing that you or your loved one will be taken care of.”

For more information, contact Champagne at cheri.champagne.1.ctr@us.af.mil.

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