Coronavirus: Rumpke asks you to help workers stay safe, stop spread of illness

Rumpke will conduct a full audit residential recycling within the city of Fairfield. Those who fail the audit will have a notice that their recycling will be inspected weekly over a five week inspection period. GREG LYNCH/FILE

Rumpke will conduct a full audit residential recycling within the city of Fairfield. Those who fail the audit will have a notice that their recycling will be inspected weekly over a five week inspection period. GREG LYNCH/FILE

Rumpke is asking you to help keep Rumpke employees safe and prevent the spread of illness caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

Here’s how:

• Bag all of your trash. This reduces employee exposure to items like used tissues and other personal hygiene products.

• Place trash at the curb the night before scheduled service.

• Continue to place recycling in your bin loose. Ensure only the correct items are placed in recycling containers. Remember items like trash bags and grocery bags, tissues, napkins and paper cups are not accepted.

• Properly dispose of medical sharps. Medical sharps used to administer medication to individuals or pets should be placed in a rigid plastic container, clearly marked "Sharps", sealed shut and placed in trash.

Rumpke has suspended public tours of its sites through the end of April.

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