Here’s how to read the Dayton Daily News ePaper on your smartphone, tablet or computer

If you have a tablet, smartphone or computer, you can use it to read your Dayton Daily News ePaper.

All newspaper subscriptions include the ePaper -- a digital edition of the newspaper in the familiar page-by-page format. Even if you only get the printed paper on Sundays, the ePaper is available to you 7 days a week. It’s a convenient way to stay informed while you’re out of town or on the go.

What do you get with the ePaper?

You get the entire newspaper -- all stories and ads plus the comics, obituaries and special digital-only extras, like updated sports scores every morning. You can page through each section, just like the printed paper. It works on tablets including iPad® and Android™ plus smartphones, laptops and desktops.

You can flip through the paper and browse by section or by individual article. You can search for exactly what you want to read. You can adjust the size of the paper of click on any article to read a pop-out version. You can even bookmark a page to reference later, and print articles you want to keep.

Here’s how it works:

On any device’s browser, just go to, or click on the link to ePaper at the top of the page.

Or, you can download the ePaper app on your Android or iOS device.

Subscribers can sign up here for the daily ePaper email or Morning Briefing, to get a link to the ePaper delivered every morning.

When you first open the ePaper, you will be asked to enter a user name and login. Newspaper subscribers may use their subscriber login. If you are a newspaper subscriber and do not know your login or need to register your account, please go to to link your account.

To subscribe to the Dayton Daily News, go to The daily ePaper is included with every subscription.