What’s in your wallet?

How big (or small) is your paycheck?

That’s a question the staff at Parade magazine asks hundreds of Americans every year for its annual issue focusing on what people earn. The magazine runs with our Sunday newspaper, as you know, and this coming Sunday, April 12, is the week for this story. It’s pretty popular. We seem to have a strange fascination with how much, or how little, people are paid. Is it a kind of financial voyeurism? Something akin to keeping up with the Joneses? Do we measure our own success, or worth, relative to the success of others?

Whatever the reason, folks love this stuff. This year, we’re taking a look at what people around here earn, as a companion piece to the Parade story. Would you be willing to participate? Our staff writer Tom Gnau is looking for readers willing to share their income and possibly be interviewed.

Brag, complain, whatever. If you’re willing, email him at tom.gnau@coxinc.com.

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