Red light, speed cameras gone: Dayton pulls the plug in battle with state

Credit: DaytonDailyNews

Following a legal battle with the state, Dayton has removed its fixed red light and speed detection cameras, according to the Dayton Daily News.

The change came quietly over the summer, leading to a large drop in fines, our news partner reported.

This newsroom has followed an ongoing battle between Dayton and state leaders, as the direction from Ohio lawmakers has directly conflicted with the city’s photo-enforcement program.

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: State goes after red-light, speed cameras; Dayton Mayor Whaley not happy

Last year, a judge ruled in favor of the city and granted a temporary restraining order against the state of Ohio, stopping the state from enforcing House Bill 62. 

The photo-enforcement program remains active even now, but has been modified to focus on traffic in school zones, to better comply with direction from the state.

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