Your Letters: Facts show fears of COVID-19 completely justified, postal service ready

These letter from our readers will appear on the Ideas and Voices page Saturday, Oct. 31.

Note from Community Impact Editor Amelia Robinson: We received several responses to the Oct. 29 guest opinion column “Fear of COVID-19 largely unjustified, facts reveal” written by Danielle Fredette, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Cedarville University. Below are excepts from letters written in response to her opinion piece as well as letters on other topics.

Danielle Fredette is an electrical engineer professor at Cedarville University.

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TRULY FOLLOW THE SCIENCE ― Marilyn Delk of Greenville.

The published opinion of a Cedarville University professor of engineering — a discipline which has no relationship to having any expertise in pandemics or medicine as far as I can see ― contains no facts, and her opinion that it’s always something and old people are going to die soon anyway is not only infuriating but also totally opposed to any Christian principles that I know of. The true fact is that if we had followed scientific advice and the directives from Governor DeWine from the beginning of the pandemic, the extended “strong responses” which she finds so stifling would not continue to be necessary. So—wear masks, maintain social distancing, and behave responsibly for the benefit of yourself and others. That’s the only way to get through this.


I was quite dismayed by the opinion piece written by Danielle Fredette minimizing the risk of dying from Covid-19. Thank goodness it was opinion.

The author likens the risk to people “under 65 [as] the same as the risk of dying in a car crash...” In other words, if you are over 65, your death doesn’t matter. Removing the deaths of people over 65 from Covid numbers is misleading. Young people interact with people over 65 and could easily infect others without knowing it.

While young people may not be at as much risk as the elderly, there are risks. Here are some different numbers to consider. We have had more than 229,000 deaths from Covid since March - approximately 8-9 months. Deaths from traffic accidents for the entire year 2018 was 36,560 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Seatbelts and car safety improvements have made a difference. The comparison doesn’t hold very well.

Finally, some younger people are at greater risk of serious illness due to Covid because of race or ethnicity. I suppose they don’t matter to Ms. Fredette, either? The one thing I agree with, is that we also need use extraordinary caution during flu season. The flu can be deadly to the elderly. But even flu deaths each year have come nowhere near the levels of Covid deaths. There were approximately 34,200 deaths in the US from influenza in 2018 according to the CDC.

I trust public health officials to deal with this infectious disease, not an Assistant Professor of electrical and computer engineering. Wear masks. Wash hands. Keep social distance. Is that too much to ask?


Wow, I thought Cedarville was a Christian university. I didn’t know a professor of electrical and computer engineering was a expert in health and infectious viruses. Your opinion is not helpful during this crisis.

ARGUMENT FLAWED ―David Benner of Beavercreek

I just finished reading the editorial piece from Danielle Fredette and was taken back how such an intelligent person can possess such flawed logic. While she points out the higher risks of death associated with driving she fails to note the singular most important fact. Covid-19 is highly contagious while driving is not. Therefore there is no correlation between the two.

It scares me that an assistant professor can spew such unrelated facts to our highly impressible youth.


Jean C. Lovejoy is district manager for United States Postal Service Ohio Valley which includes this area.

With a record number of people voting by mail, the 12,500 employees of the Ohio Valley District are actively working together with our postal colleagues throughout Ohio and across the country to ensure the secure, timely delivery of our nation’s Election Mail. This is our number one priority and we are working closely with state, county, and local election officials to meet this goal.

We take our longstanding role in the electoral process very seriously and are confident in our capability and capacity to deliver in this election season. In October and November, the Postal Service has allocated additional resources including expanded processing procedures, extra transportation, extra delivery and collection trips and overtime to ensure Election Mail reaches its intended destination in a timely manner. Consistent with practices used in past elections, extraordinary measures will be used to accelerate the delivery of ballots including: expedited handling, extra deliveries and special pickups.

In honor of his mother Dayton photographer Bill Franz  is posting a voting related image to his Facebook page, "Dayton at Work and Play," through Nov. 3.  Betty Franz died Aug. 28 of Covid-19. She had planned to vote in this year's election.

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My thanks to Montgomery County Board of Elections and the County Commissioners and whoever else was involved the approval of the special arrangements for handicap voting. I was able to vote without leaving my car. In a country trying hard to suppress voting, thanks for expanding our options. Best county in the nation. I’m so proud.

Letters to the Editor are submitted reflections from readers typically of 150 words or less. Letters to the editor should be sent to Please include a daytime phone number, your full name and the city in which you reside. They can also be submitted through our online form: