Construction complete on new CareSource Pamela Morris building

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CareSource image

Construction is complete on CareSource’s newest downtown Dayton home, a spokeswoman for the company said.

“Building construction on the CareSource Pamela Morris Center (PMC) is complete,” Fran Robinson, CareSource media relations manager, said in an email to the Dayton Daily News Friday.

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“We are currently in the process of an unannounced opening as we move teams into the building to manage space efficiency among our downtown locations,” Robinson also said. “The PMC has a capacity for 710 employees and planning is underway for a building dedication that may take place midsummer.”

The six-story building at the corner of First and Jefferson streets is named after the founding chief executive at the nonprofit insurer.

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Originally called “Dayton Area Health Plan,” the insurance company has grown to nearly $9 billion in revenue in 2017 and a workforce of 4,000.

About 2,800 of those employees are in Dayton, where CareSource is based.

CareSource has nearly 2 million policy holders in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia and Georgia.

While it primarily manages Medicaid plans, the insurer also managed Medicare plans and sells health insurance on the Affordable Care Act marketplace.

The company’s chief executive and president today is Erhardt Preitauer, former CEO of Horizon NJ Health, which is the largest New Jersey Medicaid plan.

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