Dayton man gets 4 years for downloading, trading child sexual abuse material

Montgomery County Common Pleas Courtroom. JIM NOELKER/STAFF FILE



Montgomery County Common Pleas Courtroom. JIM NOELKER/STAFF FILE

A Dayton man will spend the next four years in prison for downloading and trading child sexual abuse material.

Santino Blue Wilson, 23, was sentenced Tuesday by Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge Richard Skelton to four years in prison after he pleaded guilty Aug. 27 to nine counts of pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor, 28 counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor and two counts of disseminating matter harmful to a juvenile. As part of a plea agreement, 28 counts were dismissed.

Skelton also sentenced Wilson to four years in prison in a separate case following his indictment for four additional counts of pandering obscenity involving a minor. However, the the judge ordered the sentences to be served consecutively, according to the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office.

Dayton police opened an investigation Sept 9, 2022, after they received a referral from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force that Wilson was downloading, sharing and trading child sexual abuse material, the prosecutor’s office said.

Santino Wilson

Credit: Montgomery County Jail

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Credit: Montgomery County Jail

In addition to his prison term, Wilson was designated a Tier II sex offender. Once he is released, he will be required to register his address with his local sheriff’s office every six months for 25 years.

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