Directed by Dayton native and Brooklyn-based filmmaker Eric Mahoney, the documentary follows the rise and fall of Dayton band Brainiac in the 1990s. To celebrate the release of the DVD of the documentary, Yellow Cab will be hosting a launch party on Thursday, Feb. 20 from 8-11 p.m.
>> 5 things to know about one of Dayton’s most famous bands Brainiac
Visitors will be able to purchase their DVDs from Shelly Hulce (Gladgirl) and catch a glimpse of clips from the film and bonus material (like a 30-minute loop of cut footage) on the big screen.
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The 1990s were a special time, at least for the music scene, in Dayton. The Breeders and Guided by Voices dominated the indie scene. And, as it turns out, perhaps the most innovative band at that time in Dayton was Brainiac, led by charismatic front man Tim Taylor. When Taylor was tragically killed in a car accident in 1997, the band had just come back from a tour with Beck and signed with a major record label.
The documentary explains how the music of Brainiac went on to influence the likes of Nine Inch Nails, The Mars Volta, The National and so many more. The film project, the first hailing from Hotshot Robot Productions, features interviews with the surviving band members, along with other people from the industry, including Fred Armisen, Steve Albini, Matt Berninger and more.
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Aside from the premiere of the documentary’s DVD, Yellow Cab is also serving up other Thursday night favorites, including drink specials, free live music and pizza from The Pizza Bandit food truck outside.
>> PHOTOS: Brainiac reunion show at The Brightside
What: Brainiac Documentary Early DVD Sale
Where: Yellow Cab Tavern, 700 E 4th St., Dayton
When: Thursday, Feb. 20 from 8-11 p.m.
Cost: Free
More info: Facebook
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