A lengthy public hearing was held April 15. There was no decision made and another meeting will be held today on the rezoning. The Beavercreek Twp. Zoning Commission will hold the public hearing at Fire Station #61, 2195 Dayton-Xenia Road in Beavercreek. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m.
A decision on McIntire’s application, through LSRM McIntire Limited Partnership, could come at tonight’s meeting.
McIntire said he grew up on that farm and that he intends to live in the neighborhood if it is built.
“I don’t intend for them to be cookie cutter homes,” McIntire said at the April meeting. “I have a vested interest in how this goes.”
McIntire also plans to carve out walking trails and multi-use paths on the land.
About 58 acres on the land are existing wetlands; that part of the property will be sold to the Beavercreek Wetlands Association. This area will host a section on the planned Spotted Turtle Trail.
Some residents had concerns about the amount of traffic this outdoor recreation area would bring to the area.
If approved, construction on the subdivision could start as soon as September. Construction would last about seven years, the application says.
There are about a hundred people who will live within 500 feet of the proposed subdivision. Many residents spoke at the April public hearing to express their concerns with the subdivision and the traffic it might cause, flooding it could cause, the density of the subdivision and how the subdivision would affect access to the surrounding areas. Residents were also worried about where the entrance and exit to the new subdivision would be.
Dennis Mukai and his wife Rosemary have lived on Tamara Trail for over 40 years. They are opposed to the new subdivision.
They are worried that the increased traffic from the new subdivision will make walking on their road dangerous. They are also worried about traffic congestion and additional cars being parked on the streets nearby, making it a challenge to get into and out of their driveway.
“I can only imagine what kind of traffic impact will occur by the construction vehicles entering and exiting the new development over several years worth of infrastructure and home building construction,” Mukai said in his statement to the zoning commission in April.
The Mukais are also worried about the number of homes proposed to be built in this subdivision.
About two dozen people spoke at the last public hearing. None in favor of the rezoning application except the applicant, McIntire.
“This is step one in multi-step process,” said Zoning Administrator Max McConnell at the April meeting. “The really important question to be answered in this hearing is to whether this parcel, the parcel in question, is suitable for the proposed land use. That is the question here, not whether its suitable for 100 or 300 homes... or small lots or large lots.”
McConnell said the other, more detailed concerns would be handled in the specific site plan process.
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