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Residential property sales in selected area counties
Residential property sales in selected area counties: Montgomery County, Greene County, Miami County, Clark County, Champaign County, Warren County, Butler County, Ohio. METRO NEWS SERVICE PHOTO

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Credit: Getty Images/Blend Images

Residential property sales in selected area counties: Montgomery County, Greene County, Miami County, Clark County, Champaign County, Warren County, Butler County, Ohio. METRO NEWS SERVICE PHOTO

Montgomery County

Butler Twp.

6406 Blue Ash Rd;$175,000

2711 Coppersmith Ave;$253,000

2620 Coppersmith Ave;$313,000

2875 Fernside Ct;$252,000

6020 Woodville Dr;$53,820


1175 Ambridge Rd;$289,900

1553 Ambridge Rd;$330,000

6561 Brigham Square;$140,000

6020 Brookburn Ct;$300,000

5121 Crispy Dr;$140,000

73 Elmwood Dr;$215,000

7167 Fallen Oak Trace;$215,000

1320 Fenway Ct;$351,000

5217 Glenmina Dr;$250,000

5129 Glenmina Dr;$275,000

9071 Heather Dr;$290,000

6631 Hedington Sq;$134,900

1440 Hollow Run;$80,000

231 Laurel Oak Dr;$317,000

310 Marsha Jeanne Way;$240,000

5924 Overbrooke Rd;$282,000

347 Pleasant Hill Dr;$270,000

5520 Red Coach Rd;$260,000

274 Roanne Ct;$196,500

9835 Sheehan Rd;$274,900

110 Southlake Dr;$263,000

160 Terrace Villa Dr;$350,000

1740 Yardley Cir;$295,000


4777 Dawnwood Dr;$75,218

6438 Noranda Dr;$175,000

4400 Old Salem Rd;$170,000

6919 Park Vista Rd;$190,000

362 Shadywood Dr;$294,900


1213 W 2nd St;$160,000

21 Alaska St;$86,000

4981 Appleridge Ct;$200,000

4212 Ardery Dr;$137,000

2735 Argella Ave;$135,000

61 Ashwood Ave;$52,000

61 E Beechwood Ave;$84,900

104 Bonner St;$122,500

732 Bowen St;$140,000

407 Brandt St;$150,000

1748 Brookline Ave;$117,900

151 E Bruce Ave;$77,000

1210 Carlisle Ave;$28,000

635 Carlisle Ave;$90,000

671 Carlisle Ave;$148,000

1105 Chelsea Ave;$114,900

1317 Cincinnati St;$776,200

832 Clarkson Ave;$31,000

726 Cleverly Rd;$16,970

140 Edgar Ave;$65,000

134 Eugene Ave;$111,000

2523 Fairbanks Ave;$27,000

5361 Ferngrove Dr;$125,000

613 Gainsborough Rd;$275,000

5395 W Gander Rd;$228,000

134 S Garfield St;$37,500

323 Garland Ave;$20,000

124 Geneva Rd;$56,500

3111 Glen Rock Rd;$55,000

635 Grafton Ave;$65,000

1320 W Grand Ave;$27,980

40 Green St;$240,000

46 Hess St;$390,000

1325 Highland Ave;$27,410

615 Hodapp Ave;$95,000

1249 Holly Ave;$92,000

4626 Hoover Ave;$16,980

101 Horace St;$211,000

135 S Horton St;$130,000

69 E Hudson Ave;$45,000

127 Iroquois Ave;$90,000

2429 John Glenn Rd;$130,000

157 Kastner Ave;$49,900

2060 Kensington Dr;$21,000

461 Kilmer St;$15,000

544 Kolping Ave;$84,000

138 Laura Ave;$145,000

1200 Linden Ave;$51,200

126 Lorenz Ave;$17,500

1943 Lucille Dr;$61,000

2906 N Main St;$18,000

952 Manhattan Ave;$32,880

136 E Maplewood Ave;$39,900

148 Mark Twain Ct;$170,000

2226 Mayfair Rd;$114,650

226 McDaniel St;$98,000

23 McKinley St;$17,000

2125 Meriline Ave;$122,500

1532 Ohmer Ave;$30,000

147 N Orchard Ave;$14,500

600 Redwood Ave;$160,000

25 Rita St;$47,390

1742 Rosemont Blvd;$135,000

1628 Russet Ave;$125,000

461 Ruth Ave;$25,000

2405 Salem Ave;$115,000

556 Shadowlawn Ave;$165,900

528 Sheridan Ave;$10,000

656 Shoop Ave;$31,000

4641 St James Ave;$45,000

2019 Stegman Ave;$30,500

736 Superior Ave;$215,000

3115 Taggart St;$146,500

9 Urbana Ave;$15,000

4029 Vina Villa Ave;$31,000

2110 Wayne Ave;$145,900

638 Wellmeier Ave;$152,900

1617 Wesleyan Rd;$100,000

2808 White Oak Dr;$58,480

2801 White Oak Dr;$103,900

732 Whitmore Ave;$25,000

3626 Woodbine Ave;$63,000

4337 Woodcliffe Ave;$95,000

580 Wyoming St;$95,000

224 Xenia Ave;$21,000


30 Brussells Ave;$115,000

4503 Colby Way;$201,000

77 Dresden Dr;$122,500

805 Fallview Ave;$155,500

708 Fallview Ave;$185,000

323 Herr St;$195,000

617 Overla Blvd;$155,918

German Twp.

10095 Little Forest Dr;$188,000


250 Lindell Dr;$100,000

110 Sue Dr;$255,000

125 W Warren St;$168,000

Harrison Twp.

132 Bethpolamy Ct;$205,000

7016 Bobolink Pl;$120,000

2020 Edgeworth Ave;$97,000

3780 Elderberry Ave;$96,000

2213 Gipsy Dr;$110,000

210 Loretta Dr;$60,000

316 E Melford Ave;$90,000

2330 Nomad Ave;$107,920

3874 Old Riverside Dr;$45,000

68 Poplar St;$75,000

3033 Production Ct;$215,000

141 Trailwoods Dr;$250,000

411 Wilbur Ave;$20,000

4835 Woodland Hills Blvd;$107,920

Huber Heights

8308 Buffalo Gap Cir;$95,000

5626 Camerford Dr;$187,500

5932 Corsica Dr;$150,000

6740 Deer Meadows Dr;$190,000

6292 Greenfield Way;$60,000

6821 Haddon Pl;$119,850

7062 Harshmanville Rd;$65,000

7301 Harshmanville Rd;$132,500

7007 Longford Rd;$167,000

5973 Longford Rd;$195,000

6583 Millhoff Dr;$180,000

6742 Pablo Dr;$170,000

7618 Remmick Ln;$129,600

5807 Rousseau Dr;$161,000

5130 Tallview Ct;$196,000

Jefferson Twp.

1780 Liberty Ellerton Rd;$74,000

4737 Vanguard Ave;$67,000


3369 Annabelle Dr;$140,000

1431 Barney Ave;$132,500

2462 Bending Willow Dr;$290,000

2929 Berkley St;$220,000

3612 Braddock St;$165,000

912 Broad Blvd;$145,000

127 Bromfield Rd;$182,500

862 Butternut Dr;$144,969

2500 Clarendon Dr;$170,000

5650 Coach Dr;$45,000

2840 Comanche Dr;$50,000

2808 Comanche Dr;$145,000

2021 Courtland Ave;$120,000

1946 Craig Dr;$135,000

3900 Delaine Ave;$235,000

320 E Dorothy Ln;$157,000

2400 Edenhill Ave;$110,000

3791 Eileen Rd;$100,000

3697 Endover Rd;$165,000

1128 Eureka Dr;$195,000

4716 Fawnwood Rd;$255,000

1636 Flesher Ave;$170,000

1536 Forrer Blvd;$110,000

2025 Gay Dr;$157,900

2837 Gaylord Ave;$98,000

4574 Gullane Cir;$400,000

1058 Hale Ave;$95,000

4624 Hastings Dr;$330,000

3748 Hertland Dr;$135,000

1633 Kantner Dr;$165,100

160 Marchester Dr;$220,000

5024 Marilake Cir;$795,000

3513 Pobst Dr;$170,000

4856 Polen Dr;$184,500

5196 Polen Dr;$195,000

3000 Regent St;$300,000

2808 Royalston Ave;$215,000

3625 Shroyer Rd;$189,900

2725 South Blvd;$110,000

3205 Southdale Dr;$153,000

937 E Stroop Rd;$110,000

201 W Stroop Rd;$200,000

3137 Sudbury Dr;$180,000

3133 Swigert Rd;$239,000

2581 Talisman Dr;$149,900

4384 Tangent Dr;$280,000

3918 Traine Dr;$235,000

3852 Utica Dr;$115,000

4074 Wagner Rd;$251,000

2911 Whitehorse Ave;$170,000

1752 Willamet Rd;$164,000

4527 Wilmington Pike;$413,000

333 Winding Way;$290,000

Miami Twp.

2461 Brahms Blvd;$235,000

3088 Bright Bounty Ln;$55,000

6168 Cantata Ct;$212,500

9578 Copper Creek Ct;$220,000

2437 Crew Cir;$65,000

2600 Eckley Bnd;$230,250

2060 Fox Run Rd;$215,785

2866 Foxwood Ct;$85,000

6153 Gentry Woods Dr;$249,000

4364 Harbison St;$149,900

5849 Homedale St;$173,500

5931 Homedale St;$186,000

2337 Lehigh Pl;$87,500

2114 Lynpark Ave;$130,000

6318 Parity Ln;$82,000

6310 Parity Ln;$86,000

2228 Pin Oak Ct;$245,000

2618 Pinegrove Dr;$197,000

2510 Rover Ct;$136,000

6109 Teagarden Cir;$225,000

7693 Whitehall Dr;$170,000

9632 Wild Ginger Way;$135,000

2334 Windsor Village Dr;$229,000


920 Alexandersville Rd;$269,000

1542 Commons Dr;$123,000

1540 Commons Dr;$147,500

435 Early Dr;$100,000

145 S First St;$54,285

549 Fitzooth Dr;$237,000

437 Fourth St;$160,000

705 E Kercher St;$50,000

936 Kercher St;$50,000

808 Kercher St;$76,500

721 E Linden Ave;$162,500

1509 Lindsey Ave;$155,000

1215 Meadowview Dr;$271,350

416 Mound Ave;$87,330

725 Seibert Ave;$122,000

1109 Sundance Dr;$184,900

807 Thelma Ave;$204,500

New Lebanon

306 Estonia Dr;$120,000

705 Gregory Ave;$75,000

481 Holderman Pl;$170,000

218 W Main St;$123,000

324 Perry St;$110,000


422 East Dr;$225,000

1211 Far Hills Ave;$74,000

414 Forrer Blvd;$217,500

300 Hadley Ave;$279,900

563 Hathaway Rd;$365,000

20 Hilltop Ave;$235,000


4360 Blue Rock Rd;$210,000

5417 Burkhardt Rd;$145,000

4329 Elmshaven Dr;$225,000

1321 Falke Dr;$140,000

4933 Franlou Ave;$92,500

2442 Guernsey Dell Ave;$75,000

2293 Hazelton Ave;$68,160

3550 Lane Gardens Ct;$82,000

346 Lawver Ln;$67,000

4169 Leafback Pl;$236,000

2400 Longview Ave;$120,000

5748 Mayville Dr;$42,000

608 Monticello Ave;$34,401

4127 Oakdell Ave;$24,500

4316 Richland Dr;$45,000

4913 Tall Oaks Dr;$115,600

212 Waneta Ave;$125,000

4940 Wildoak Ct;$125,000


3820 Denlinger Rd;$136,000

4795 Live Oak Dr;$36,000

173 Olive Rd;$80,000

5670 Olive Tree Dr;$150,000

208 Trotwood Blvd;$110,000


11 Greencliff Dr;$111,300

163 Lexington Farm Rd;$165,000

654 Main St;$159,000

145 McCraw Dr;$130,000

623 Morning Glory Ln;$130,000


523 Adeline Ave;$137,000

500 Bayonne Dr;$160,000

308 James E Bohanan Memorial Dr;$83,000

820 Stewville Dr;$125,000

1010 Van Arden Dr;$192,500

37 Waller Ave;$156,000

1106 Wollenhaupt Dr;$220,000

Washington Twp.

9320 Ash Hollow Ln;$765,000

1219 Ashburton Dr;$460,000

621 Congress Park Dr;$160,000

2081 Foxknoll;$128,600

416 Gwinnett Commons;$119,900

7400 Kings Run Rd;$260,000

104 Nantucket Landing;$174,900

337 Normandy Ridge Rd;$370,000

10191 Paragon Rd;$98,225

2516 S Park Ln;$310,000

1370 Penbrooke Trl;$268,600

8941 Rooks Mill Ln;$315,000

674 Saddlewood Ave;$240,000

152 Shadybrook Dr;$233,000

10060 Simms Station Rd;$330,000

6167 Southampton Dr;$277,000

1536 Spinnaker Way;$94,900

681 W Spring Valley Pike;$153,000

9548 Still Meadow Ln;$350,000

5610 Waterloo Rd;$180,000

2615 Wood Bluff Ln;$348,800

West Carrollton

1100 Arrowhead Xing;$70,000

1330 Black Forest Dr;$70,000

23 W Blossom Hill Rd;$190,000

322 E Main St;$61,205

145 E Pease Ave;$165,500

3300 Sheffield Rd;$135,000

1614 Thunderbird Ln;$95,000

1600 Thunderbird Ln;$108,000

308 Windsor Ave;$60,000

Greene County

Bath Twp.

787 Herr Rd;$500,000

4491 Pinehill Rd;$184,500


2825 Double Eagle Dr;$275,000

1480 Edenwood Dr;$244,900

3104 Glenshaw Dr;$225,000

2636 Harding Ct;$135,500

1955 N Highgate Ct;$285,000

3625 Kemp Rd;$270,000

3595 King Edward Way;$235,000

3366 Lawson Dr;$185,300

3648 Lilac Ln;$206,800

1769 N Longview St;$178,000

2551 Obetz Dr;$285,000

3569 Ramblehurst Ct;$331,000

1125 Redcoat Ct;$355,000

1196 Redcoat Dr;$345,000

2890 Stauffer Dr;$242,500

3821 Taft Ave;$225,000

2033 Tamarack Ridge Ct;$43,500

4325 Tonawanda Trl;$235,000

2296 Tourney Trl;$407,000

4262 Weber Dr;$445,000

4215 Williamsport Dr;$246,000

2650 Wyndham Dr;$440,000

Beavercreek Twp.

1485 Abbey Park Pl;$585,000

281 S Alpha Bellbrook Rd;$250,000

2122 Creswell Dr;$420,000

1406 Huntland Ct S;$575,000


2331 Bellemeade Dr;$140,000

2054 Clear View Dr;$217,900

1483 Kensington Dr;$226,500

3915 North Field Dr;$623,800

1872 Sugar Run Trl;$333,000


178 Diana Ln N;$128,000

140 Diana Ln E;$115,000

172 Erie Ave;$65,000

433 Grant St;$150,000

886 S Maple Ave;$107,000

1704 North Blvd;$10,000

35 Powell Ave;$10,500

35 Rossmore Dr;$50,000

326 Shade Dr;$100,000


25 S Limestone St;$122,500

10 Maxon St;$70,000

New Jasper Twp.

3914 North Lake Shore Dr;$206,000

852 Oneida Trl;$179,900

2362 Stone Rd;$340,000

Silvercreek Twp.

5961 N Jeffersonville Rd;$139,900

5717 SR 734;$200,000

Spring Valley

400 E Main St;$125,000

Spring Valley Twp.

1520 Richland Rd;$430,000

154 Richland Rd;$200,000

2197 Spahr Rd;$252,000

Sugarcreek Twp.

843 Acorn Dr;$510,000

954 McBee Rd;$335,000

1205 Settlers Bay Ct;$501,000


1244 Colorado Dr;$132,900

2286 Dundee Dr;$271,500

286 Fairview Cir;$166,000

1874 Mohawk Ct;$165,000

313 Stelton Rd;$37,000

62 Tackett Dr;$89,400

73 Tackett Dr;$113,500

1836 Tahoe Dr;$180,000

581 N West St;$100,000

Xenia Twp.

2124 Hilltop Rd;$220,500

1116 Woodland Dr;$185,000

Yellow Springs

1333 President St;$450,000

502 W South College St;$125,000

Miami County

Concord Twp.

2285 W Fenner Rd;$256,000


5 E Broadway ;$18,000

582 S High St;$153,000

37 N Ludlow St;$118,000

231 N Main St;$80,000

Huber Heights

1085 Arbor Dr;$54,000

1043 Arbor Dr;$54,000

6027 Boxelder Dr;$56,440

6024 Boxelder Dr;$317,690

6066 Boxelder Dr;$377,115

4762 Cobblestone Dr;$250,000

9067 Lakeside St;$401,034

9097 Lakeside St;$334,039

9118 Lakeside St;$506,432

4067 Spicebush Dr;$335,000

Monroe Twp.

6865 Marjean Dr;$155,000

1460 W Michaels Rd;$238,000

930 Scenic Knoll ;$407,000

695 E Shoop Rd;$205,500

Newton Twp.

10983 W Sr 718;$255,000


536 Boone St;$132,000

412 Brentwood Ave;$125,000

421 N Downing St;$145,000

514 Garnsey;$30,000

508 Gill St;$125,000

511 Gill St;$185,000

604 W Greene St;$144,900

1629 Haverhill Dr;$124,000

211 Levering Dr;$113,000

924 New Haven Rd;$121,000

1222 Park Ave;$450,000

9 Peregrine Pl;$310,000

1100 S Roosevelt Ave;$88,000

1405 Severs ;$132,720

708 Summit St;$82,000

815 Washington Ave;$58,000

602 S Wayne St;$84,500

Tipp City

209 S 2nd St;$285,000

507 W Broadway ;$325,000

322 Chevington Chase;$61,000

873 N Westedge Dr;$179,000

642 Whispering Pines Ave;$455,025


1500 Beekman Dr;$179,900

774 Bristol Rd;$160,000

522 E Canal St;$195,000

1304 S Clay St;$69,603

1281 Crestview Dr;$175,000

1178 Edgewater Dr;$313,900

2642 Executive Dr;$271,686

1263 Keller Dr;$205,000

1033 Linwood ;$119,580

514 N Madison St;$55,900

620 E Main St;$265,000

1353 Maplecrest Dr;$185,000

1027 Meadow Ln;$140,000

1164 Parkview Dr;$239,900

467 Robinson Way;$69,900

215 Westhaven Dr;$260,000

2325 Worthington Dr;$385,000

Union Twp.

2425 S Greenlee Rd;$145,000

West Milton

120 Heather Pl;$34,400

255 Stone Meadows Bv;$240,000

Clark County

Bethel Twp.

460 Queen Rd;$75,000

721 Hedwick St;$89,900

1712 Hocker Ave;$135,000

343 Winchester St;$137,900

1731 Lundgren Rd;$155,000

5368 New Carlisle Pike;$290,000


280 Countryside Dr;$165,000

Harmony Twp.

6586 Plattsburg Rd;$310,000

Mad River Twp.

7091 Dayton Springfield Rd;$157,200

2022 Willow Run Cr;$181,500

7922 Kings Ridge Cir;$285,000

7800 Court Ridge Ln;$370,000

Moorefield Twp.

3590 Mechanicsburg Rd;$387,000

4225 Nevada Rd;$159,500

4872 Ridgewood Rd E;$190,000

4631 Laredo St;$205,000

4810 Curtis Dr;$205,000

5609 Victorian Way;$220,000

New Carlisle

317 Prentice Dr;$30,000

Pike Twp.

4087 Addison-New Carlisle Rd;$610,000

Pleasant Twp.

1306 George Allen Dr;$770,000


3223 Vineyard St;$143,600

535 Argonne Ave;$100,000

2443 Northmoor Dr;$128,000

2825 Nauset St;$130,000

2411 Rebecca Dr;$195,000

538 Rebecca Dr;$210,000

620 Torrence Dr;$254,000

1566 Cora St;$10,000

2433 Woodside Ave;$38,000

929 N Limestone St;$95,000

808 W North St;$18,000

830 W North St;$23,500

1624 Broadway St;$93,000

2125 Maiden Ln;$145,000

478 Ridgeview Ct;$145,000

126 E Cassilly St;$80,000

123 W Harding Rd;$165,000

1827 Walnut Ter;$194,000

1941 N Fountain Blvd;$250,000

1030 Summer St;$13,000

515 Vine St;$13,000

1421 Clifton Ave;$14,000

139 Catherine St;$35,000

2752 Dorothy Layne Ave;$48,000

1105 S Western Ave;$14,000

1201 Jefferson St;$22,000

1215 S Western Av;$28,500

317 S Plum St;$50,000

1469 Southgate Ave;$63,000

18 W Clark St;$10,600

Springfield Twp.

3115 W National Rd;$540,000

201 Stephen Ln;$450,000


114 E Main St;$126,000

Champaign County

Goshen Twp.

7859 St Rte 56;$278,448

8140 St Rte 56;$200,000

Jackson Twp.

12441 Runkle Rd;$315,000


16 Prospect St;$150,000

North Lewisburg

173 Coates Ct Unit 32;$203,200


138 E Reynolds St;$60,000

402 Lafayette Ave;$207,500

440 Lafayette Ave;$186,500

312 N Oakland St;$140,000

315 Parkway Blvd;$275,000

555 Ridgewood Ave Unit 11;$159,000

1009 Scioto St;$185,000

Urbana Twp.

1501 E St Rte 29;$87,000

41 E Hickory Grove Rd;$325,000

1972 Oakview Dr;$140,000

2397 St Rte 54;$320,000

Wayne Twp.

3458 Hill St;$95,000


201 W Bennett St;$180,000

Warren County


720 Beachler Rd ;$247,000

120 Colonel Dr ;$274,900

115 Lorene Cir ;$201,500

Clearcreek Twp.

1325 Center Spring Ave ;$499,000

329 Chapel Dr ;$255,000

5260 Dearth Rd ;$410,000

8586 Eagle Ridge Ct ;$575,000

8837 Glen Abbey Ct ;$465,000

314 Hillcrest Dr ;$335,000

1413 Lemans Blvd ;$194,835

606 E Pekin Rd ;$385,000

9957 Rothschild Ct ;$554,900

2806 Route 122 ;$215,000

154 Sandelwood St ;$310,000

7633 Stone Ridge Dr ;$829,000

Deerfield Twp.

9086 Beacon St ;$370,000

3953 Cherry Brook Ln ;$600,000

9131 Country View Ln ;$421,000

5245 Crimson Glory Pl ;$414,000

9944 Cross Meadow Dr ;$685,160

9041 Fields Dr ;$325,000

6923 Gentry Ln ;$263,500

5538 Harbourwatch Way ;$220,000

3817 Hudson Hills Ln ;$638,256

6615 Irwin-Simpson Rd ;$650,000

9261 Leland Ct ;$445,000

7692 Livingston Ct ;$335,000

2978 Pine Grove Ln ;$327,500

8410 Sailboat Ln ;$240,000

8686 Simpson Ct ;$272,500

6847 Socialville-Foster Rd ;$265,000

8000 Winters Ln ;$352,862

9187 Yarmouth Dr ;$117,500


4100 Beal Rd ;$312,000

202 Choctaw Cir ;$175,000

314 Elm St ;$170,000

328 E Fourth St ;$150,000

417 Lake Ave ;$93,000

421 Lake Ave ;$156,000

52 Lance Dr ;$340,000

517 N Main St ;$70,000

Franklin Twp.

5557 Glendell Dr ;$15,000

8234 Martz-Paulin Rd ;$110,500

8977 Meadowlark Dr ;$250,000

5731 Olive Rd ;$139,900

Hamilton Twp.

1196 Brookchase Cir ;$380,000

6132 Driftwood Ct ;$322,597

1186 E Eastman Ln ;$497,000

7455 Hargus Dr ;$345,000

1076 Oak Forest Dr ;$414,000

700 Overbrook Ave ;$219,361

1336 Shadowood Tr ;$142,000

1593 Stephens Rd ;$265,013

7241 Wethersfield Dr ;$330,000


114 Cherry St ;$164,000

10 East St ;$22,000

465 Eastview Dr ;$265,001

930 Meadow Ln ;$162,500

217 Mechanic St ;$32,500

230 Portland Blvd ;$274,000

72 Raintree Tr ;$334,000

1013 Revere’s Run ;$250,000

1092 Revere’s Run ;$275,000

799 Tamarack Ct ;$269,200

1321 Weathervane Way ;$340,000


5838 Bayswater Dr ;$216,500

5842 Bayswater Dr ;$195,000

5829 Bayswater Dr ;$215,000

4445 Black Oak Ln ;$250,000

4357 Black Oak Ln ;$280,000

4273 Fontenay Dr ;$210,000

6901 Man-O-War Ln ;$585,000

410 Monte Dr ;$236,250

6726 Pondfield Ln ;$315,000

6677 Ridgefield Ct ;$175,000

5119 Songwood Dr ;$475,000

3208 Spalding Dr ;$505,000

6305 Tarton Fields Ln ;$620,000

6368 Tarton Fields Ln ;$675,000

756 Tradewind Dr ;$260,262

993 Walnut Ct ;$190,000

1407 Windsong Dr ;$230,000

4456 Woodside Pl ;$584,850


2798 Cleopatra Dr ;$507,680

6745 Crystal Harbour Dr ;$271,490

4996 Renaissance Park Dr ;$174,000

6613 Rivulet Dr ;$275,335

6656 Washington Cir ;$213,000


100 Hazen Ave ;$75,000

4869 Jessica Suzanne Dr ;$255,000

South Lebanon

34 Bridgewater Dr ;$440,000

726 Dorney Ct ;$439,723

216 Mary Ellen St ;$20,000


803 Brownstone Row ;$294,000

35 Creekview Ct ;$210,100

730 Heatherwoode Cir ;$450,100

16 Heston Dr ;$310,000

20 Locust Dr ;$135,000

61 Old Pond Rd ;$237,000

15 Royal Troon Ct ;$435,000

320 Teakwood Ln ;$228,000

75 Triple Crown Cir ;$345,000

191 Villa Pointe Dr ;$275,000

Turtlecreek Twp.

1790 Greentree Rd ;$450,000

1887 Meadowsweet Dr ;$355,000

534 Sage Run Dr ;$525,000

Union Twp.

791 Karner Blue Ln ;$320,000

2490 Manistique Lakes Dr ;$625,000

Washington Twp.

1865 Murray Rd ;$165,000

Butler County


2635 Bobmeyer Rd;$93,100

3400 Cherryhill Dr;$190,000

2397 Henesy Ln;$275,000

156 High Ridge Ct;$150,000

3711 Mack Rd;$163,000

2345 Resor Rd;$267,000

5938 Ricky Dr;$174,900

4775 Slade Dr;$165,000

905 Symmes Rd;$126,000

116 Twin Lakes Dr;$118,000

986 Wesleyan Dr;$204,000

Fairfield Twp.

2140 Allstatter Ave;$67,500

3040 Cypress Hill Dr;$335,000

3068 Elora Ln;$302,477

7876 Jessies Way;$159,900

6173 Lakewood Dr;$375,000

3152 Shadow Creek Ct;$405,000

1456 Tuley Rd;$65,500


1320 Allstatter Ave;$61,000

1095 Azel Ave;$175,000

1099 Azel Ave;$175,000

3 Beverly Dr;$180,000

1615 Cereal Ave;$210,000

614 Coralie St;$110,000

718 Corwin Ave;$151,000

953 Greenwood Ave;$105,000

453 Harrison Ave;$120,000

1090 Hayes Ave;$165,000

2185 Pine Valley Dr;$240,000

914 Quincy Dr;$179,900

1209 Reservoir St;$66,000

1355 Southern Hills Blvd;$175,000

1008 Summer St;$35,000

906 Vine St;$25,000

646 Woodford St;$50,000

484 Ridgelawn Ave;$130,000

915 Tiffin Ave;$166,000

1305 Vine St;$99,000

3881 Weigel Ln;$125,000

Liberty Twp.

5007 Arena Ct;$384,270

5011 Arena Ct;$415,796

5009 Arena Ct;$476,081

6715 Ashe Knl;$440,000

6097 Coburg Dr;$466,215

5334 Genesis Ct;$265,000

5895 Hawthorne Reserve Dr;$405,500

7078 High Saddle Ct;$380,000

6168 Juneberry Ct;$370,000

6487 Lantana Dr;$387,500

6474 Lantana Dr;$390,000

4703 Logsdons Meadow Dr;$230,000

5671 Long Valley Dr;$519,003

5486 Moraine Ct;$584,423

5629 Safari Dr;$395,000

4801 Springwood Ct;$317,000

4397 Stone Creek Dr;$420,000

7041 Tarragon Ct;$417,000

5845 Tilbury Trl;$430,708

5001 Victoria Pl;$92,185

5302 Watoga Dr;$582,035

6528 Willow Bend Dr;$420,000

Madison Twp.

6707 Elk Creek Rd;$300,000

6847 Franklin Madison Rd;$95,500

6741 Kalbfleisch Rd;$230,000

6177 West Alexandria Rd;$625,000


2303 Arlington Ave;$173,000

3219 August Ave;$64,887

1302 Baltimore St;$100,000

1217 Barnitz St;$140,000

1201 Barnitz St;$170,000

3003 Burbank Ave;$100,000

4611 Caprice Dr;$126,566

4503 Central Ave;$215,000

1828 Fernwood St;$57,000

801 Fifteenth Ave;$10,500

1516 Forest Ave;$84,460

110 Fulton Ln;$185,000

3800 Grand Ave;$295,000

2009 Highland St;$50,000

109 Iglehart St;$50,000

914 Lafayette Ave;$38,000

1945 Spring Grove Ln;$10,000

625 Wicoff St;$38,900

2400 Manchester Ave;$150,000

3113 Mohawk St;$85,000

4902 Roosevelt Ave;$115,000

4515 Shawnray Dr;$70,000

1912 Woodlawn Ave;$65,000


2713 Broshear Dr;$135,000

2640 Ross Hanover Rd;$83,000


153 Anne Rd;$159,000

110 Hollytree Dr;$337,500

154 Ohio Ave;$47,800

70 Old Orchard Ln;$245,000


5386 Hester Rd;$178,000

Oxford Twp.

5100 Magie Hill Ln;$69,000

Ross Twp.

1757 Sky Meadow Dr;$277,000


9949 Edgewood Ln;$174,500


330 Trenton Pl;$177,000

320 Brampton Pl;$290,955

752 Villa Ct;$218,830

754 Villa Ct;$231,100

Wayne Twp.

6078 Celestial Ave;$199,900

3781 Eaton Rd;$265,000

5818 Waynes Trace Rd;$575,000

West Chester Twp.

7669 Brookstone Dr;$375,000

9121 Canal Way;$22,000

7325 Chatham Ct;$131,500

8391 Dimmick Rd;$63,000

5648 Eagle Nest Ct;$390,000

5766 East Senour Dr;$523,000

7514 Easton Ct;$119,900

6017 Glenn Trace Ln;$305,000

6025 Glenngate Ct;$332,000

7702 Granby Way;$117,000

7534 Halifax Ct;$68,000

7904 Hickory Hill Ln;$390,000

6876 Hidden Ridge Dr;$360,000

7562 Knights Knoll ;$158,000

7762 Lakota Springs Dr;$407,088

7330 Mallard Dr;$340,000

6565 Meadowbrook Ct;$420,000

7922 Misty Shore Dr;$305,000

7131 Oak Park Ct;$789,406

7946 Orchard Ct;$450,000

7442 Overglen Dr;$640,000

7526 Providence Woods Ct;$325,000

21 Richmond Dr;$40,000

8197 Sea Mist Ct;$352,100

6081 Tennyson Dr;$495,000

6737 Timberwood Dr;$330,000

4210 Tylersville Rd;$235,000

9272 West Meadow Dr;$481,000

About the Author