Ohio hunters harvest fourth highest amount of deer: Cross bow used the most

The big deer that Mike Leggett targeted with a bow makes his escape during an earlier trip to Camp Verde Ranch. (Photo by Dave Richards)

The big deer that Mike Leggett targeted with a bow makes his escape during an earlier trip to Camp Verde Ranch. (Photo by Dave Richards)

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has announced the results of the 2024-2025 deer hunting season, which concluded on Sunday.

ODNR said that the final total was the fourth highest number of deer harvested on record, with a total of 238,137 deer checked across the archery, gun, muzzleloader and youth seasons since Sept. 14, 2024. This is the highest number of deer taken since the 2010-2011 season, ODNR said.

The department said that that translates to about 12 million pounds of venison.

According to ODNR statistics, the most-used hunting weapon was a crossbow, which composed 78,254 hunters, or 33% of the total, followed closely by straight-walled cartridge rifles, with 77,027 hunters, or 32% of the total.

While none of the area counties were in the top 10 counties, the total number of deer checked, by county, are:

  • Butler: 1,478 deer
  • Champaign: 1,864 deer
  • Clark: 945 deer
  • Darke: 1,278 deer
  • Greene: 1,043 deer
  • Miami: 1,074 deer
  • Montgomery: 884 deer
  • Preble: 1,225 deer
  • Warren: 1,275 deer

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