SEE: List of recommended upgrades, changes for each of city of Dayton parks

McIntosh Park in Dayton. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

McIntosh Park in Dayton. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

The city of Dayton recently completed a strategic plan and needs assessment for its parks and recreation facilities.

Here is a list of potential capital projects for the more than 35 neighborhood and community parks that Dayton owns:

Arlington Hills Park: Consider for decommission, splash pad removal

Belmont Park: Playground equipment replacement, splash pad, tennis court improvements, parking lot improvements, walking trail (to complete loop), outdoor fitness equipment, backstop replacement

Blommel Park: Playground replacement, neighborhood-determined feature, picnic shelter, basketball half court

Bomberger Park: Playground replacement (completed), picnic shelter, splash pad, restroom building

Bomberger Park was upgraded in 2023 with a new playground equipment, including a swing set, swinging bench, a dinosaur rocker and border timbers. The park is located at the corner of East Fifth Street and South Keowee Street
in the St. Anne's Hill neighborhood. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Borgerdine Park: Consider for decommission, no existing amenities

Burkham Park: Basketball court improvements, gazebo repairs, parking lot installation, picnic shelter, playground replacement, restroom building replacement, splash pad, tennis courts, perimeter walking trail

Burkhardt Park: Picnic shelter, basketball court improvements, neighborhood-determined feature

Burns-Jackson Park: Basketball court improvements, picnic shelter, playground replacement, tennis court improvements, walking trail with connection to pedestrian bridge

A strategic plan and needs assessment says the city of Dayton could consider decommissioning Borgerdine Park, located a 349 Quitman St. in the Twin Towers neighborhood in southeast Dayton. The 0.4-acre park is an empty field, with a handful of benches. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Claridge Park: Parking lot, basketball court improvements, walking trail, picnic shelter, playground replacement

Cleveland Park: Shelter improvements, basketball court improvements, trail resurfacing, neighborhood-determined feature

College Hill Park: Playground replacement, shelter improvements, basketball court improvements, neighborhood-determined feature

Fairview Park: Pool house demolition, picnic shelter

Five Oaks Park: Fitness equipment repair, picnic shelter, playground replacement, restroom building, splash pad improvements

Butch Richardson, president of Friends of Deeds Point Dog Park, at the new dog park site near Triangle Park. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Gettysburg Park: Basketball courts, parking lot, picnic shelter, playground, restroom building, splash pad

Gillespie Park: Park master plan, basketball court improvements, neighborhood-determined feature, picnic shelter, playground replacement, walking trail

Hickorydale Park: Park master plan, basketball court, dog park (potential location), picnic shelter, playground replacement, restroom building replacement, neighborhood-determined feature

Highland Park: Basketball court replacement/relocation, parking lot improvements, dog park improvements (shade, seating, water, access), picnic shelter, walking trail, neighborhood-determined feature

Highview Hills Park: Basketball court replacement/relocation, tennis court replacement, dog park (potential location), picnic shelter, walking trail, demolition of wading pool, basketball courts and restroom building

Jane Newcom Park: Playground replacement, basketball court improvements, tennis court improvements, backstop replacement, paved trail

Maya Queen, 5, enjoys playground equipment at Ridgecrest Park. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Liberation Park: Basketball court improvements, playground replacement, picnic shelter improvements, restroom building, walking trail, neighborhood-determined feature

Mallory Park: Splash pad improvements, picnic shelter relocation/replacement, restroom building, basketball court improvements, disc golf course (potential location for 9-hole course), walking trail

Mary Avenue Park: Consider for decommission

McCabe Park: Basketball court improvements, playground replacement, dog park (potential location), walking trail, picnic shelter improvements, restroom building, neighborhood-determined feature, demolition of shelter and court on north side

Frost Anderson, from Dayton, enjoys the splash pad at W.S. Mcintosh Park in Dayton. JIM NOELKER/STAFF


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McKinley Park: Basketball half court, picnic shelter, neighborhood-determined feature

Nordale Park: Basketball court improvements, walking trail, neighborhood determined feature, demolition of wading pool and former tennis court

Oregon Park (Newcom Founders Park): Playground replacement, basketball half court, neighborhood-determined feature

Pierce Steele Park: Playground replacement, basketball half court, picnic shelter, neighborhood-determined feature

Princeton Park: Basketball court improvements, playground equipment replacement, splash pad, tennis court improvements, walking trail, picnic shelter, backstop replacement

Fairview Park in northwest Dayton received new playground equipment in spring. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Residence Park: Parking lot to replace tennis courts, playground replacement, basketball court improvements, picnic shelter improvements, restroom building, neighborhood-determine feature

Ridgecrest Park: Pickleball courts, volleyball courts, trail, backstop replacement, basketball half court

Salem Heights Park: Consider for decommission, playground replacement

Sandalwood Park: Picnic shelter replacement, playground replacement, fencing removal, tennis court improvements, basketball half court, hockey rink improvements, trail resurfacing

Stuart Patterson Park: Parking lot, splash pad improvements/expansion, basketball court improvements, tennis court improvements, picnic shelter, restroom building

Triangle Park: Outdoor fitness equipment, parking lot improvements, picnic shelters (and a shelter removal), paved perimeter loop, splash pad, Howell Field lighting and artificial turf for infield, disc golf course (potential location for 18-hole course), boat launch and fishing access, playground

Walnut Hills Park: Playground replacement, basketball court improvements, restroom building, splash pad upgrades, hockey rink improvements, tennis court improvements, volleyball court improvements, picnic shelter

Rainier goes for a walk at Cleveland Park in Dayton. CORNELIUS FROLIK / STAFF

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Washington Park: Restroom building, splash pad improvements/expansion, picnic shelter upgrades, playground expansion, walking trail

Welcome Park: Basketball court improvements

Western Hills Park: Basketball court, picnic shelter, playground replacement, park master plan, neighborhood-determined feature

Wogaman Park (Madden Hills): Playground replacement

WC McIntosh Park: Parking lot to replace tennis court, bollards around park, picnic shelter away from playground, splash pad improvements, outdoor fitness equipment, outdoor games (cornhole, etc.)

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