Voters urged to confirm polling locations, as thousands changed this year

Montgomery County Board of Elections sent postcards with information to every voter



Montgomery County Board of Elections officials are working to make sure residents know where to vote on Tuesday, following up on an announcement months ago that polling locations for 60,000 voters changed before the May 3 primary election.

“We sent postcards to every voter in Montgomery County before the May primary and (again before) the November general because due to redistricting, almost every voter in the county has new Ohio House and Ohio Senate districts. Many also have a new precinct name, and many have a new polling location. Some voters have all three,” said Sarah Greathouse, deputy director for the Montgomery County BOE.

Many voters received the Board of Elections postcard this week, detailing their Nov. 8 voting location as well as which Congressional and state legislative district they live in. Greathouse said the BOE timed the postcards to arrive prior to Election Day, but not too early in case voters misplaced the cards.

She encouraged any voter who is unsure to visit to look up their polling location.

“It is critical that voters be active in knowing when and where to vote,” she said. “A healthy democracy means we all have to be engaged citizens. Look up your polling location, districts, and sample ballot at Follow the directions on your ballot and in the voting room. Check your ballot for accuracy before scanning it. We all get to be a part of the process, and that’s what makes us strong.”

Greathouse said the adjusted precincts and polling location updates are part of normal cyclical updates. Earlier this year, BOE officials said population growth in some areas (Huber Heights, Washington Twp., portions of Kettering), along with population loss in precincts affected by the 2019 tornadoes contributed to some precinct lines needing to be altered.

“Because of the uncertainly around redistricting, these normal processes have taken on a lot of meaning for voters,” Greathouse said.

Ohio is required to redraw its state legislative district maps at least every 10 years, in line with results from the most recent U.S. Census. This year, the Ohio Supreme Court threw out the maps drawn by the Republican-led Redistricting Commission, citing issues with gerrymandering.

But after the Redistricting Commission failed to pass other maps, a federal court “chose the best of our bad options” and said the unconstitutional maps will still be used for the Nov. 8 election.

Greathouse said in this year of fighting over redistricting, split primaries and other hot political issues, election officials are seeing many voters in “a heightened emotional state.” She asked for patience.

“The men and women answering your calls at the Board of Elections, every poll worker — they’re all your neighbors, people you know from church, and who shop at your same grocery store,” she said. “Our bipartisan team is here to help you. Please let us help you find answers to your questions with kindness and patience.”

In-person early voting continues this weekend — county boards of elections are open until 7 p.m. Friday, and the final three days of early voting are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday, and then 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday Nov. 7, the day before Election Day.

Polling locations will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8.

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