We asked the candidates what their plans are if elected. Here’s a look at their answers:
Q: What are the biggest problems facing the community? What do you propose doing to tackle these challenges?
Brad Daugherty: The biggest problem I see facing Englewood is vacant commercial spaces that are starting to dot the landscape of our fair city. We need to work to either redevelop these sights or demolish them to make green spaces or a blank slate for future development. I will work to allocate the necessary funds to make this a reality
Adrienne Draper: The biggest problem in Englewood is the many vacant buildings we have and lack of strong economic development in the city.
I drive by many empty buildings on my way to work every day. Not only is this unappealing for the city and its residents, but vacancies are also a safety and economic concern for the city. There is also a lack of collaboration with our neighboring cities, our state representative, and county officials.
This lack of cooperation does not help residents who might need the services and ideas the officials have put in place. We need to take a look at our zoning and tax abatement options for businesses and assure they are attractive for businesses. We also need to update any marketing plan in place to ensure developers and residents know the great amenities Englewood has in place.
Finally, we need to have an open, honest relationship with our officials at all levels of government. We should also be willing to meet with them to discuss ideas and options for our city
Thomas Hall: Taxes are too high and we have too many empty storefronts. Reduce unnecessary spending and try to help create business opportunities.
Steve Henne: I think the current city management does a great job, and if I could build on that I would like to see more growth in the business community. We have a lot of opportunity to grow in the areas of retail, dining and entertainment. Our city is fortunate to have access to the interstate at two separate locations. There is a lot of potential in these areas.
Catherine McGrail: Adding residential and business development to the community to expand the tax base. Reaching out to developers to build much needed housing and redevelopment of vacant commercial property.
Q: What makes you qualified for this job? What experience do you have to make good and informed decisions?
Brad Daugherty: The thing that makes me most qualified to serve as city council member is my love of the community. I've lived here my entire adult life. I've coached sports teams, I've volunteered at schools, and I've dedicated my professional life to bettering the community.
I keep an open mind and I will strive to keep Englewood the best community in Montgomery County
Adrienne Draper: I was born and raised in the city, and I have seen the ups and downs we have experienced. We need someone in office who knows Englewood, and the areas and officials around us well to ensure we are making informed decisions for the city.
I know that to fix the problems we have in our city cannot be done alone. It will take the help of our county and state officials. We need to have a working relationship with our officials which I have gained by working on various projects and campaigns through the county.
Thomas Hall: As a small business owner, I have successfully managed large budgets for over a decade. I understand that there are not quick fixes, but making consistent good choices can make improvements for our community.
Steve Henne: As a lifelong resident of the community I know our strengths, and what opportunities on which we can capitalize. I have run my own business for 27 years, and know how to control costs while obtaining my goals
Catherine McGrail: I have been involved in the community for over 30 years. I deal with different personalities and problems daily. This provides an opportunity to find solutions to issues that will appeal to the parties involved. This also flows into local government. You need to be a people person in order to hear people out to assist in forming decisions and solutions.
Q: What can you do if elected to help grow the local economy and add jobs? What ideas do you have for attracting new jobs and investment?
Brad Daugherty: By keeping the community safe, taxes low, and regulations reasonable we can invite investment in Englewood. I also think we should work together as a region to make the entire area more attractive for outside investment.
I will keep communication with other cities open so we don’t lose opportunities with petty squabbles between neighbors
Adrienne Draper: While we do have a business park that stimulates the local economy and creates a tax base, many of the businesses are vacant.
These vacancies are lost opportunities for jobs and economic growth in our city. To attract high paying jobs in our city, we need to take a look at our zoning, tax abatement, and marketing plans in place to ensure we have the amenities that will attract businesses to our city.
We also need to look at the vacancies outside of the business parks and strategize with leaders and residents what the best options for development are in our city and create a plan to attract them. We cannot just let these vacancies sit there any longer.
Thomas Hall: Taxes incentives small businesses and job creators.
Steve Henne: We should continue to encourage our business community by making Englewood an attractive place to locate a business. We need to help educate and build our workforce so companies can succeed. Their success is our success.
Catherine McGrail: I believe tapping into the youth in our community who will be voters in the future. This helps me gain insight into what they see the future holds for jobs, housing and amenities. Revitalizing our community by bringing complementary businesses to town remains a goal.
Learn more about these candidates and other races and issues on the November ballot in our interactive voters guide at vote.daytondailynews.com
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