Mayor Nan Whaley may have said it best, when she said many of the city’s leaders have “lived a month in just four days.”
While many city leaders have gotten emotional over the shooting in the Oregon District, it did not stop them from coming together for the scheduled meeting, where two commissioners echoed the need for Daytonians to seek help.
“I encourage neighbors to reach out to neighbors, friends reach to friends. If you are alone reach out to someone,” Commissioner Darryl Fairchild said.
“It’s just so important that folks not be afraid to reach out for help,” Commissioner Chris Shaw said. “To talk to your family and friends and others. To share this experience and move forward. We have all been affected by this. If we know it or not.”
While the mayor has had her plate full the last few days trying to console the city, she said she is disappointed to see President Donald Trump's comments calling her joint press conference with U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown, Mansfield, a “fraud.”
“I want him just to do something. I don’t care if he decides to attack the senator and I but Dayton deserves action I just hope he’s not one of these all talk, no action politicians that he claims to hate. But he seems to be turning into one on this gun-control stuff. Maybe I’m wrong and I hope he proves me wrong,” Whaley said.
During public comments at the meeting, some thanked city leaders and first responders for what they’ve done following the shooting while others criticized the president for not visiting the Oregon District.
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