According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one of three adults in the United States, or about 75 million people, have high blood pressure. However, only about 54 percent of these people have high blood pressure under control.
“There are many steps you can take to help prevent or control high blood pressure,” said Sara Carros, Wellness and Health Promotion Services civilian health promotion coordinator.
Civilian Health Promotion Services recommends proactive practices, such as eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough physical activity and monitoring your blood pressure regularly.
In addition to those practices, CHPS also suggests not smoking, limiting alcohol use and reducing stress.
“While blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, health problems such as heart disease and stroke can arise if it stays high for a long time,” said Carros.
CHPS offers a variety of services to help increase awareness of your blood pressure and provides educational opportunities for prevention.
“We have wellness screenings that encapsulate a cardiac risk profile, blood pressure and body composition,” said Carros. “Health education classes, physical activity and weight management challenges are all part of our program to help you stay healthy.”
Although CHPS is always available to offer these events at base worksite locations, it now has new touch screen blood pressure kiosks to help make the monitoring more convenient.
“Though not a diagnostic device, the kiosk does provide information on blood pressure, heart rate, weight and body mass index,” said Carros.
The new blood pressure kiosks can be found in Area A, Bldg. 262, food court; Area A, Bldg. 1, main vending room; Area B, Bldg. 16, front entrance.
For more information about high blood pressure, classes or blood pressure kiosks, contact the Civilian Health Promotion Services office at 904-9359 or
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