This iconic Dayton music club has been sold — again

A music venue that has hosted some of the most lively shows Dayton has ever seen has been sold.

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Oddbody's Music Room has new owners, according to a Facebook message posted by Skip Murray, the venue's co-owner.

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After last night's Fozzy show, I am officially out of the concert venue business. After a wild 4 year ride, Neilson Hixson, Richard Eckhardt and  I officially sold the business in early March. It was bittersweet to let Oddbody's go but it was time. That being said, it will remain as one of the most unforgettable eras of my life. Countless memories, a battery of new friends, and, simply put, a whole lot of fun. It started with a phone call in Dec 2013 asking if I was interested in being a part of a Dayton legacy, and though it was hosted at an alternative venue, it it ended last night with a sold-out show. I am proud of what the 3 of us accomplished. We built a brand from scratch and became the best year around live music destination in the Dayton and surrounding area. It was only achievable however with the help of so much day of show support. Renee Rice Tabitha Long Marc Godsey Josh Deeter Todd Malone Ken Woolard Jacoby T Jason were the core of a great group of people who always stepped up to help produce great shows for our music going audiences. Thanking you seems so insufficient. Nonetheless, thank you for helping us succeed. Don't feel slighted if I didn't mention you by name. I have so much appreciation to everyone who helped enshrine Oddbody's into Dayton Music history. Neilson Hixson Richard Eckhardt thank you guys, you truly were two of the hardest working men in show business. I admire you both tremendously. Being in business with you two has been the most rewarding experience anyone could hope for. "Buy a bar... it will be fun and we can always make memories." How true that was! Finally and most importantly #istillknowneil

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Details were not available about the future of the venue located at 5418 Burkhardt Road.

Credit: Tom Gilliam

Credit: Tom Gilliam

Messages were left seeking comment from Murray, Hixson and Eckhardt.
The club opened under their management July 29, 2014.

>> PHOTOS: Corey Feldman at Oddbody’s in Dayton

Oddbody's is located at the former site of McGuffy's House of Rock. That venue hosted a long list of local, regional and national acts, including  Guns N' Roses.

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Oddbody's itself has had an impressive lineup of shows, including a recent Living Colour and Puddle of Mudd concerts.

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“The goal was to bring live music to Dayton on a bigger scale,” Eckhardt said in a Feb. 10, 2015 article.

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The trio bought the venue in auction and were not able to negotiate the continued use of the McGuffy’s name with the former owners.

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This story will be updated as we receive more information. 

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Credit: Tom Gilliam

Credit: Tom Gilliam

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