Tell us your pandemic stories





It’s hard to believe we’re about six months out from when the state started to shut down because of the pandemic.

For this Sunday, we’ll be diving into where we’re at and what’s on the horizon. We’ll be digging into the state of testing, into how workers and businesses are doing, and who we’ve lost from the pandemic and who has recovered.

Most importantly, we’d like to hear from you. We’d like to hear some examples of what has happened to you and what hasn’t happened since the start of this back in March.

If you’d like to reach out to us, please email reporter Josh Sweigart at with the subject line “six months” and let us know.

Tell us in four or five sentences: What’s something noteworthy that has happened to you since the pandemic started?

o Lost a job

o Started a job

o Started virtual school

o Worked from home

o Worked on the front lines

o Caught the coronavirus

o Picked up a new hobby

o Started therapy

And tell us briefly as well: What’s something noteworthy that didn’t happen during this time?

o Missed prom

o Didn’t go into the main office for work

o Canceled a wedding

o Skipped a vacation

o Avoided the coronavirus

o Cut back on a hobby or habit

o Drove less

We want to hear from you about your experiences, big and small. Please email by Thursday if you want to weigh in.

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