Cloudy with a Chance of Podcast: Building around a changing forecast

The weather affects everyone, and when your business and livelihood depend on the forecast, it can be even more stressful to see all the changes Ohio weather brings.

>>Cloudy with a chance of Podcast: A podcast for weather fans

Storm Center 7 Chief Meteorologist McCall Vrydaghs and Meteorologist Kirstie Zontini sat down with small business owner Dave Helvey who owns Rural One Builders, a construction company that build custom homes and decks.

What he does depends heavily on how the weather will be. Dave talks about strategies he has to build during any season! Kirstie and McCall also learned more about how the Memorial Day tornado outbreak can affect the process of building homes in the Miami Valley.

Learn more about Dave and if you have any questions about building or construction, follow him on Instagram at R1builders.

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>>Cloudy w/a Chance of Podcast: Memorial Day Tornadoes

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