Get ready for a hootennany in downtown Dayton this weekend

Musicians perform at Yellow Cab Tavern. PHOTO / TOM GILLIAM PHOTOGRAPHY

Credit: Tom Gilliam

Credit: Tom Gilliam

Musicians perform at Yellow Cab Tavern. PHOTO / TOM GILLIAM PHOTOGRAPHY

Yellow Cab Tavern will host a Canal Street Tavern Family Reunion and Hootennany Friday, April 22.

Sign-ups for this music gathering of friends old and new will begin at 7 p.m. and continue until spots are full.

Organizers note that keeping in hootenanny tradition, musicians interested in playing will sign in when they arrive. The first 16 musicians to sign in will be guaranteed a spot. Anyone interested in participating will have 10 minutes to play or as little as five minutes if they are one of the later performers.

In addition, there will be a special set featuring Chris Montgomery (Austin, TX), Jamy Holliday, Kattie Dougherty and Sharon Lane.

Canal Street Tavern, which shut its doors in 2013, was a longtime Dayton mainstay for music. Late founder/owner Mick Montgomery opened the club in 1981 and sold it in 2012.

Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is free but a donation of $5 is suggested to help cover event costs.

Yellow Cab Tavern is located at 700 E. 4th St., Dayton.

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