For those unaware of its nostalgic charm, “The Goonies” is an adventure comedy film about a group of kids from the “Goon Docks” neighborhood in Astoria, Oregon, who discover an old treasure map that inevitably takes them on an adventure to find the hidden treasure left behind by 17th-century pirate One-Eyed Willy. Decades later, the movie is considered a cult classic (and for good reason).
“We are excited to give Daytonians a chance to safely attend events again,” said Jay Nigro, the “Chief Fun Officer” at Liftoff Entertainment. “The weather is looking like it will break in time for the movie to start. So, bring some chairs, blankets and an FM radio if you want to sit outside your car or enjoy the movie from inside the comfort of your car.”
Pricing is per carload and is $30 for a general admission parking space and $40 for a “premium viewing” parking space. Tickets can be purchased by visiting Liftoff Entertainment’s website.
Top of the Market will run the concession stands during the events. Along with movie essentials like popcorn, candy and drinks, Top of the Market will also serve sandwiches, burgers and wings.
Cars will be staggered throughout the parking lot in order to follow social distancing guidelines. Guests are also encouraged to remain in their vehicles throughout the event, though they are also permitted to enjoy the movie outside of their cars as long as they are sitting directly in front of their vehicles. The sound from the movies will be broadcast through the car radio.
Liftoff Entertainment’s drive-in series will continue with “Back to the Future” on Thursday, May 6 at 8:45 p.m. and “Jurassic Park” on Thursday, May 13 at 9 p.m.
What: Liftoff Entertainment’s Wheels and Reels Drive-In Theater Experience screens “The Goonies”
Where: Top of the Market Banquet Center, 32 Webster St., Dayton
When: Thursday, April 29 at 8:45 p.m.
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