Jobless claims continue to fall, but remain high

Weekly claims for unemployment benefits have continued to fall since late March, but remain lodged well above 1 million, pointing to a slow and painful recovery.

In the week ending June 6, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 1,542,000, a decrease of 355,000 from the previous week’s revised level, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday.

Since late March, more than 44 million Americans have filed for benefits.

Ohio reported 35,430 initial jobless claims for the week ending June 6. The number of initial jobless claims filed in Ohio over the last 12 weeks (1,327,843) is more than the combined total of those filed during the last three years.

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Nationwide economist Scott Murray said the trend of elevated initial claims “shows the struggles facing the labor market as it tries to heal.”

“Even with many states reopening, displaced workers are having difficulties finding new positions,” Murray said. “The continued layoffs add to the struggle, creating a logjam of workers looking for opportunities and delaying the recovery from the unprecedented shutdown.”

In Montgomery County, 1,674 claims were filed for the week ending June 6, with 25,965 claims continuing.

In Butler County, there were 927 new claims, with 15,618 claims continuing in the most recent week. In Warren County, there were 506 new claims, with 8,120 continuing claims.

Clark County saw 501 new claims, while 5,842 claims were continuing.

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