Project plans include the construction of a 6,100-square-foot structure. The facility will include a 157-foot, fully-automated wash tunnel, along with employee and mechanical space.
The facility will have 27 parking spaces, including four employee spaces, and the remaining dedicated for self-service vacuuming. A bypass lane will be included to accommodate heavier traffic.
Access to the car wash will be provided from York Center Drive, with two-directional exits onto York Plaza. Plans show there will be no direct access to the business from Miller Lane.
The lot, situated to the north of Asian Buffet, is currently vacant. Trustees said a car wash will be a fitting use for the plot, especially due to its narrow shape.
“When I heard of this proposal, I was very excited about something that property could be used for because it is very unique,” trustee Bryson Jackson said during a May meeting. “I also love the opportunity for us to have a car wash in our business district.”
Butler Twp. officials said site work and construction will begin soon, with completion estimated by the end of this year.
Ultimate Shine has locations in Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio.
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