The cast consists of Drew Carey, Joel Murray, Ryan Stiles, Greg Proops and Jeff B. Davis. Most of the troupe has worked together for decades creating comedy out of a simple game or suggestion. Proops, who has been doing stand-up comedy and improv since the ‘80s, said the audience will love it.
“I think the audience will experience more immediacy and intimacy than the TV show,” he said. “There’s no wall of glass between us. We try to throw down as much as possible and keep things lively.”
The live show will not have a host, distinguishing itself from the TV version. Typically, a host gives points as the games are played. The live show will have games and all the suggestions for the games will come from audience members. Proops said audience suggestions guarantee an original show every time.
“Something different always happens, and if we get a standing ‘O,’ the audience gets to pick the last game,” he said.
The games require performers to improvise scenes and make up songs. Audience members will even be able to take the stage to help with some of the games. In particular, Moving People is a game where audience members move the actors’ body parts as they improvise a scene.
Proops said he is partial to the game Greatest Hits, where two performers are pitchmen for an album based on audience suggestions and the other performers have to make up the songs on the spot. Whatever the game, the group of performers will make it work.
“You have to remember, I’ve been doing (improv) a long time,” he said. “We are up there every night. We’re like a baseball team. We play every day. It’s like a release. You have to remember we’re comedians; where our soul should be there’s a void.”
Saturday’s show is extra special because Carey only appears at a handful of shows. Proops said performing and traveling with this group is always a good time. He also noted performers don’t have to learn lines which is a plus.
“It’s like lightning in a bottle,” he said. “It’s always amazing fun. We laugh at each other. We try to get a standing ‘O’ every night.”
What: “Whose Live Anyway?
Where: Fraze Pavilion, 695 Lincoln Park, Blvd., Kettering
When: 8 p.m. Saturday, July 23
Cost: $30-$75. Ticket prices will go up $5 on the day of the show.
Tickets: Visit
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