Miami County: Glider pilot to give free lecture on flying cross county without an engine

The WACO Historical Society will continue its Aviation Lecture Series on Thursday with a program on “Flying Cross Country Without an Engine.”  STAFF

Credit: Jim Witmer

Credit: Jim Witmer

The WACO Historical Society will continue its Aviation Lecture Series on Thursday with a program on “Flying Cross Country Without an Engine.” STAFF

The WACO Historical Society will continue its Aviation Lecture Series on Thursday with a program on “Flying Cross Country Without an Engine.”

The speaker will be glider pilot Richard Curry. He will take guests on a glider flight via flight simulation and show an animated simulation of a flight last summer from Marion, Ohio, to Indianapolis, back to Marion, north to Sandusky, south to Delaware and then back to Marion.

The program will begin at 7 p.m. The lectures are free, with donations to the museum accepted.

Lectures will be in the Willis Wing of the museum at 1865 S. County Road 25A, Troy. Programs are scheduled for one hour followed by questions. For more information, visit or call 937-335-9226. NANCY BOWMAN, CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Apply for “State of the State”

State Rep. Jena Powell (R-Arcanum) is accepting nominations for students and teachers from across the 80th Ohio House District to attend the State of the State address by Gov. Mike DeWine on March 23 at noon in Columbus.

Anyone can submit a nomination form, which can be found at

The deadline to submit a nomination is March 15. The 80th district includes all of Miami County and a portion of Darke County. NANCY BOWMAN, CONTRIBUTING WRITER


Bingo for Books is Thursday

The Milton-Union Public Library will hold Bingo for Books at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the library at 560 S. Main St.

Prizes will be awarded in each round. Registration is required. Contact the library at 937-698-5515 or visit for more information. NANCY BOWMAN, CONTRIBUTING WRITER