Pet safety tips: How to keep pets calm, safe for the 4th of July

Fireworks season and the 4th of July holiday can be a stressful time for pets and their owners. The Montgomery County Animal Resource Center shared the following tips to help make the holiday a summer highlight while keeping your furry friends safe.

Identification is important:

  • Keep pets secured in your yard to keep them safe, especially if fireworks are set off unexpectedly;
  • Microchip your pets and have proper identification cards in case pets get lost.

Keeping pets at home:

  • Keep pets in a secured area in your house;
  • Quiet rooms are preferred, especially during fireworks;
  • Home may be better, because public events, loud noises, large crowds and unknown areas can be too much for some pets.

Other tips:

  • Don’t leave your food or alcohol where pets can reach it, as it can make them ill;
  • Do not use sparklers or fireworks around pets;
  • Don’t keep unused fireworks where pets can access them. Fireworks can be toxic to animals.

For more information or if you lose your pet, visit ARC’s website at

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