A dozen district administrators and staff are interacting with presenters, including educators and authors whose books they have read. Three participants are administrators with the others potential future administrators/leaders.
“It builds bench strength for us. … We have people we can call on in case we have openings for administrators at buildings, etc.,” Tuttle-Huff said.
The academy focuses on developing character education, organization skills and strategic planning. The participants also are developing a servant leadership project designed to make a positive difference for the school district and the Tipp City community.
“We do leadership activities to learn how to grow, what to do when something comes up,” Tuttle-Huff said. She brings a background as a teacher, counselor, principal and superintendent.
“It has been a lot of fun for me to be able to share what I have learned over 30 some years,” she said.
Among academy participants is Kevin Knapke, a high school math teacher.
“Ever since I started teaching in 2016, I have found interest in learning more about the educational system as a whole and what happens ‘behind the scenes’ of a classroom setting,” he said.
“In August of 2022, I received my master’s degree in educational leadership from Bowling Green State University, but was looking for a more personalized experience, a day in the life of an administrator at Tipp City Schools. Lisa Tuttle-Huff sent us an invitation to join a Leadership Academy, and I was thrilled to join and continue learning.”
He hopes to take away from this academy participation, adding to his knowledge on administrative tasks and duties and becoming more confident in understanding what administrators and other leaders do on a regular basis, Knapke said.
“I also hope to enhance my working relationship with colleagues and create a higher quality of life within Tipp City Schools,” he said.
Tuttle-Huff said she would love to offer the academy next school year, if there are enough participants.
Contact this contributing writer at nancykburr@aol.com
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