Why these 16 prominent people from the Dayton area got the COVID vaccine

Public health officials say getting people vaccinated against COVID-19 is key to keeping the community safe as the Dayton region works to return to a sense of normalcy with the coronavirus here to stay.

Here are the reasons some prominent people in our area got vaccinated:

Kevin Carter, hip hop artist and Black Box Improv Theater co-owner

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“I got the vaccine because the thought of me carrying the virus and giving it to someone who’s immune system isn’t as great as mine scared me. Even if I never had symptoms, I felt someone else wouldn’t be as lucky. And I didn’t want to be a reason they didn’t make it.”

Bro. Raymond Fitz, former long-time University of Dayton president

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“Becoming fully vaccinated for COVID-19 is an act of love we undertake for the well-being of the children and families of our greater Dayton community. The pandemic demonstrates how interdependent we are as a community. While there are important medical exceptions, being fully vaccinated is an ethical responsibility we undertake for the common good of our community. Most importantly, being fully vaccinated is an act of solidarity we undertake for the most vulnerable in our community, especially our vulnerable adults and children.”

Col. Patrick Miller, Wright Patterson Air Force Base installation commander

“As a member of our Armed Forces, installation commander for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and a father and husband, my primary motivations for being vaccinated and receiving the booster shot are to protect the team, our missions, and my family and friends. We are clearly in a long fight, and I encourage everyone to consider being vaccinated. Collectively, we have and will continue to make a difference in this battle. So roll up that sleeve and strengthen your personal armor for the good of you and those you love.”

Shannon Isom, CEO of YWCA Dayton

Credit: Knack Video + Photo

Credit: Knack Video + Photo

“If I’m going to stand for parity — race, gender, class — I have to stand for ensuring we get protected against the thing that we see has a higher rate of impact, of assault, on our bodies. At the very minimum, where my children live — where I live — we know we are prone to environmental injustices that you find in poor communities, Black and brown communities, and it is incumbent upon us to look at it, and be the stewards of justice. All of those things point to: We have to be the ones to say yes first.”

Rob Streck, Montgomery County sheriff

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" I never gave receiving the vaccine or the booster shot a second thought. In my day-to-day life, I encounter numerous individuals from all walks of life, and I was not able enjoy the safety of working from home. So I had to do whatever it took to protect my family, employees, the public and everyone else I deal with on a regular basis. I truly believe it is everyone’s choice, but I believe it was the best decision for me.”

Nancy Wilson, host of New Country Mornings on K99.1FM

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“I got vaccinated against COVID-19 because not only do I want to keep myself safe, but my family and friends. It’s been too long since I’ve been able to see my K99.1FM radio family at events and concerts, and I wanted to do my part to get there quicker!”

Jeffrey Mims Jr., Dayton mayor

“I got vaccinated because I wanted to protect myself and my community from experiencing the worst of COVID-19. The vaccines work and they are the best solution for overcoming this pandemic, which has cost us all so much.”

Rev Cool, host of Around the Fringe on WYSO

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“I’m vaccinated because it is safe, simple and the right thing to do. The only way to stop additional variants of COVID from raising their ugly head is for us all to be vaccinated. I gladly did it to protect my family, my friends, my neighbors, and because I love you.”

Amy Schneider, record-setting “Jeopardy!” game show champion from Dayton

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“I got vaccinated because I don’t want to get sick and die. It’s the same reason I got vaccinated for tetanus: I’d prefer to have a painful arm for an hour, and maybe feel a little sick for a day or two, as opposed to dying in pain and agony. Vaccines keep me alive, and I think that’s pretty great!

Roger Glass, CEO and owner of Marion’s Piazza

“I didn’t want to get COVID. It’s just that simple. I listened to my doctors, and didn’t want to get sick.”

Dr. Kevin Sharrett, physician to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and his wife in Greene County

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“I knew that it was critically important for me to be vaccinated so that I could continue taking care of my patients. I felt the weight of responsibility that I had to protect my patients, my fellow health care workers and my family, especially my father, who was critically ill at the time. Looking back on my decision, I realize that it was absolutely necessary to get vaccinated and I recommend the vaccine to my patients. The vaccine is our best weapon to prevent and mitigate COVID infection and offers the best hope for a brighter tomorrow.”

Leslea Hipp, voted Best of Dayton 2021 Best Local Artist

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“Getting vaccinated was an easy choice for me. I wanted to do whatever I could to keep the people around me healthy. My thought was if I could help a little by getting vaccinated, then that was what I was going to do.”

Keith Byars, sports broadcaster and former NFL player from Dayton

Credit: Lisa Lake

Credit: Lisa Lake

“Getting vaccinated was very important to me. Being a public figure I can’t help but come into contact with people all the time. So I must set the example, first with myself for my family and friends, that this is a good thing to do. I believe in it, and I hope more do follow.”

Greg Williams, superintendent of New Lebanon Local Schools

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“I chose to be vaccinated and boosted to reduce the chances that I would inadvertently transmit COVID-19 to students, parents or staff at New Lebanon Schools. I didn’t want to see others get sick and know that I could have done something more to stop the spread.”

Dr. Roberto Colon, chief medical officer, Miami Valley Hospital

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“Getting the vaccine was a relief, knowing that now I have the full effect of the vaccine to help protect, not just myself, but my family and my colleagues. The only way this works is if we get enough people to realize that this is our best way out, that this is a safe vaccine, this is an effective vaccine. And that we’re all in this together.”

Justin Barbarino, Best of Dayton 2021 winner for Best Tattoo Artist

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“I got the vaccination because I didn’t want to increase the risk of contracting COVID and give it to my 1-year-old — at the time — daughter. Since so little was known at the time, it seemed like a logical way to increase the COVID barrier between my business and home life.”

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