Greene County to give employees a bonus with BWC rebate

All Greene County employees will get a $500 bonus thanks to a rebate from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

Gov. Mike DeWine’s administration asked the BWC to approve a $5 billion dividend to employers. This is on top of the $1.54 billion rebate in April and the $1.34 billion rebate in October.

Greene County Administrator Brandon Huddleson said the reimbursement came with a note from DeWine saying to invest in the “county’s most important asset,” its employees. Greene County’s rebate was about $465,000.

Commissioners approved the bonus checks at their Tuesday meeting.

“This is just a small ‘thank you’ for all our employees have done,” said Commissioner Dick Gould.

The bonus will go to all county employees, including employees represented by a union.

The Ohio BWC is a state-run insurance program that collects employer premiums and pays medical expenses and wages for injured workers. It processes about 85,000 claims each year, which involves nearly $1 billion in expenses. The system covers about 250,000 employers.

The system has issued annual rebates of more than $1 billion every year since 2013. The $5 billion rebate is the largest in state history.

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