2020 Census: Invitations to participate will hit mailboxes soon

Many Miami Valley residents starting today will get an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census in the mail.

About 143 million households will get the invitation through March 20, according to the Census Bureau.

2020 CENSUS: ‘We need to count everyone once and only once’

On March 6, the Census Bureau released informational copies of the invitations and the other materials to be sent out. These materials can help the public know what to expect and avoid potential scams, the bureau said.

The invitation will give the household a “Census ID,” which is their log in when they go to my2020census.gov to fill out the census online.

To learn more about the 2020 Census, visit the U.S. Census Bureau website.

Nikol Miller, who works for Dayton Regional Transit Authority (RTA) and chairs the Dayton-Montgomery County Complete Count Committee, said the Dayton Metro Libraries and Dayton Recreation Centers have computer labs where Miami Valley residents can fill out the 2020 Census. Starting April 1, there will also be one RTA bus equipped with WiFi so that riders can fill out the 2020 Census while aboard.

About 112 million households will be encouraged to fill out the 2020 Census online or by phone and about 31 million households will receive a paper questionnaire. The preferred method for filling out the 2020 Census is online, Miller said, but anyone who can’t fill out the census online or isn’t comfortable doing so can use the other methods.

The 2020 Census is 12 questions and invitations will be in English and 12 other languages.

All houses that get a mailed invitation and don’t respond will get a second letter reminding them to respond to the census.

Miller said the Census Bureau will send households about five pieces of mail, the first will be a letter and follow up mailings will be post cards.

“These will be official documents from the federal government, please don’t disregard them,” Miller said.

Households that don’t respond online by mid-April will get a paper questionnaire in the mail. Census takers will follow up with the people who don’t respond and collect their responses in person.

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