American Water to perform hydrant flow testing at Wright-Patt

The hydrant inspections and tests are required to determine the water flow available for firefighting. (Metro News Service photo)

The hydrant inspections and tests are required to determine the water flow available for firefighting. (Metro News Service photo)

American Water will perform annual hydrant flow testing and inspection from Oct. 28 through Nov. 8 in Areas A and B of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Testing will take place during normal duty hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Some slight water discoloration and lower pressure can be expected during the test period.

The inspections and tests are required to determine the water flow available for firefighting. Additionally, it is desirable to periodically flush out the lines to ensure water freshness and remove sediment that may be present.

The annual tests allow crews to visually inspect and operate hydrants to assess functionality.

During the testing period, motorists should be on the lookout for American Water personnel operating hydrants and walking near the roadway. Drivers should be careful not to drive or park too close to any hydrant if they observe testing in the vicinity.

Water discoloration caused by the natural sediment being stirred up in the water mains may appear, presenting a cloudiness or rusty appearance. This sediment may be minimized by running water faucets until discoloration is gone. Residents should refrain from using washing machines during the hours of testing and to run their washing machines while empty for approximately half a cycle after flushing is complete to avoid staining fabrics.

For more information call American Water Customer Service at 937-623-9786 during normal duty hours.

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