MoviePass limits customers to 3 movies a month

The popular movie theater subscription service MoviePass has changed its pricing plan for the second time in one week.

Last week the company announced it would change its $10 per month subscription that let customers see one movie each day, any movie at any time. To become sustainable, the cost would increase to $14.99 a month and limit the availability of blockbuster movies during their first week.

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But today, the company announced its new plan of limiting subscribers to three movies each month to keep prices at $9.99.

The new plan that will take effect Aug. 15, will offer discounts up to $5 on movie tickets that exceed the three included in the subscription cost. The company will no longer limit first-run films and will suspend peak pricing and ticket verification, two additions that frustrated customers.

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About 15 percent of MoviePass’s 3 million subscribers who see four or more movies each month will be affected, according to a company release.

“We are well aware that during our journey to innovate moviegoing — a form of entertainment that over time has become unaffordable and broken — we’ve encountered many challenges,” said Mitch Lowe, CEO of MoviePass. “We discovered over several months of research that our customers value a low monthly price above nearly everything else, so we came together to create a plan that delivers what most of our loyal MoviePass fans want, and one that, we believe, will also help to stabilize our business model.


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