Are voters engaged enough?

A few more of you shared your thoughts on the electorate.

From Dave Yost: “Presently, it seems the goal is not to have a meaningful dialog to discuss an issue. The goal is to defend your position and verbally beat the other guy into submission. Apparently there is not a chance you could be wrong or the other person could be right. It is only important to prove your party is doing it correctly and the other guy’s party is responsible for everything that is wrong now or in the past.’”

From Mary Collier: “Our two-party-dominated system has helped limit the choices and a mature approach to problem solving, and seems to focus on winning at all costs — sort of like watching a sports game or brawl instead of trying to understand serious local and national policy issues. …We have become a lazy, disengaged, complacent democracy with a time stressed, distracted electorate.”

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