Top teacher: Brookville teacher inspired by past students

Christopher M. Bronner, Principal at Brookville High School

Christopher M. Bronner, Principal at Brookville High School

Name: Christopher M. Bronner

School District: Brookville Local

Grade you teach: High School

What is your favorite subject? Math

What/Who inspired you to become a teacher? I had three former teachers and coaches, Mr. Wolfe-basketball coach, Mr. Robinson-band director, and Mr. Foote-track coach and social studies teacher, who had inspired me to pursue a career in education. They all had a positive impact on me while in high school and I wanted to be able to do the same for others.

What do you enjoy most about teaching? Working in a school you have the opportunity for something new almost every day. Whether it is working with students, staff, parents, or community, every day is unique and every day provides opportunities to impact someone else’s life.

What is a memorable experience you’ve had while teaching? Each year, graduation is always a memorable time for me. There was one that was especially memorable to me. I was seated in the audience listening to the valedictorian address her class. I was her 7th grade teacher and by the time of her graduation, I had left the district to accept an administrative position in a nearby school. In the speech, she thanked me. She talked about how I impacted her during her years of middle school. I did not expect it and was moved by her words. I will never forget that graduation or that student.

How have you maneuvered online classes and distance learning? This has been a challenge for all. In my role, I have been able to support teachers, students and families with the transition to distance learning.

How can families adapt to be successful during these challenging educational times? A few things I think families can do during these times is to communicate, persevere, and breathe. Communication within the families between parents and children along with communication with the school (teachers, counselors, and administrators) is very important. Family members have to know each other’s needs and be there to support. The school is also available to provide support and resources for families. I think families need to persevere. Yes, this is a difficult situation and a time none of us has experienced before. We need to stay strong and battle through this and, going back to something my mother always told me, “This too, will pass.” And finally, just breathe. Sometimes taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing allows us to reset, relax, and become more accepting of the situation we are all dealing with.

The Dayton Daily News is profiling educators in our region as they navigate through these challenging times. To nominate an educator, email

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