“The Huber Heights Police Department was notified by the parents of a minor child that she and the defendant had been engaged in a sexual relationship since the girl was 12 years old,” the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.
The defendant was a minor at the time of the alleged rapes, the prosecutor’s office, but the office believes the case should be tried in adult court.
“This defendant is 19, almost 20, years old,” Prosecutor Mat Heck Jr. said in a statement. “If he were to be convicted of rape in the juvenile court, by law the court’s jurisdiction would end when he turns 21 years of age. Clearly, this case should be prosecuted in adult court, as the defendant is accused of raping a 12-year-old child.”
Along with the rape charges Isabell faces, he also is charged with five counts of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, the prosecutor’s office said.
“In that case, the defendant is accused of sending sexually explicit photos to minors after he turned 18 years of age,” the prosecutor’s office said.
The case is pending and will be presented to a Montgomery County grand jury.
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