UD area restaurant serving ‘mountain’ of fried pork

Place: North Village Chinese Restaurant

Location: 37 Jasper St. near Brown Street in Dayton

Open: 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. daily.

Phone: (937) 223-5898

Like many Asian restaurants, North Village Chinese Restaurant, 137 Jasper St. near Brown Street in Dayton, has two menus.

There is the “regular” menu with items familiar to American palates like General Tso’s Chicken and Orange Chicken.

Then there is the “traditional” menu written in both Mandarin and English. North Village’s includes dishes like twice cooked pork and dried braised calamari.

North Village Manage Linda Wu said that many of the Chinese student who frequent the restaurant from nearby University of Dayton order from the traditional menu without looking at it.

They say, “I don’t need a menu. I know what want,” she said.

Rock salt pork is on the short list of dishes that can be found on both the regular and traditional menus.

Opened in 2011, North Village — an unassuming eatery located in the former site of a nail salon that lies between Dewey's Pizza and Penn Station restaurants — does the dish well.

As Wu explained it, the dish is tender, breaded pork tenderloin slices seasoned with sugar, salt, pepper and other spice. It is served on a bed of lettuce with jalapenos chunks, sliced garlic and pieces of scallion.

The result is a crispy, crisp delight.

North Village sells its yummy mountain of fried pork for $12.95. It comes with white or fried rice.

China Cottage is among the other area Chinese restaurants with the dish on the menu.

Like North Village many also serve rock salt shrimp and and rock salt ribs.

Both of those items can be found on the North Villages’s traditional menu — $13.95 for the ribs and $16.95 for the shrimp.

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