Dead waterfowl in Miami Valley ‘presumed positive’ for bird flu

A Canada goose stands on a log in the Great Miami River Wednesday, April 22 at Combs Park in Hamilton. NICK GRAHAM / STAFF

Credit: Nick Graham

Credit: Nick Graham

A Canada goose stands on a log in the Great Miami River Wednesday, April 22 at Combs Park in Hamilton. NICK GRAHAM / STAFF

Dead wild birds across Ohio are “presumed positive” for avian flu, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Over the last few weeks, Canada geese, trumpeter swans and one mallard have been reported dead and are being tested, ODNR’s Division of Wildlife announced Tuesday.

The dead birds were reported in nine Ohio counties, including Montgomery and Warren counties in the Miami Valley.

They are being tested for HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory.

The state Division of Wildlife is working with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, USDA and other state and federal agencies to monitor HPAI.

The virus does not present an immediate public health concern, but people are urged to avoid handling sick or dead birds.

All Ohioans can report sick or dead wild birds suspected of HPAI at 800-WILDLIFE (945-3543) or

The following bird species should be reported: any raptor, such as a bald eagle; waterfowl, such as geese or ducks; and any other large congregation of sick or dead birds.

In Darke County, nearly one million chickens tested positive for HPAI at an egg producer, the Ohio Department of Agriculture reported Monday.

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