Since March, 46,135 people have been hospitalized, with 183 hospitalizations reported in the past day, ODH reported. The 21-day average for hospitalizations is 242 people every day.
Currently, 2,506 people are hospitalized in Ohio, a 17 percent drop in patients in the past week. Currently, about one in eight patients are COVID-19 positive, the Ohio Hospital Association reported. In southwest Ohio, 752 people are currently hospitalized.
Tomorrow is the deadline to apply for the Bar and Restaurant Assistance fund. Bars and restaurants with on-premise liquor permits can apply for an assistance payment of $2,500. The fund is non-competitive.
Governor Mike DeWine has designated $38.7 million of funding received by the State of Ohio from the federal CARES Act to provide payments to bars and restaurants to help them through the financial difficulties experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the state’s website reported. The deadline to apply is January 31.
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